Social Media Impartialty

Geoff Coenen

Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Stratford CT
Reading today how President Trump & your truly regularly get fake news published I wrote the President & Senator Josh Hawley regarding these publishers.

For the past 20 years I too have been exposed to fallacious messages on social media - specifically the and with the outright assistance of their administrators Steven Giangello, Robert Briggs and James Willis.
My 41 year old small business DocRebuild supplies & manufactures parts for 1953-1982 Corvettes. I chose not to pay them a monthly fee to support their chat room.
As a result they have attempted to extort me into becoming a "supporting vendor". Instead they have allowed outright lies to be published. Example: a $3 two inch long 3/8" diameter hose cost $35. to ship. They allowed homosexual pornography to be published with my company name, email & phone number. They have allowed others to regularly denigrate me - "he must have a small penis" - "Dr Troll" "numb nuts". They have allowed the same individual to masquerade as different persons & carry on a conversation how I was suing one of them. They have allowed others to pose as customers & message negative reviews - even though they have never purchased here. They claim they are not the arbiters of truth, however I'm not able to rebut any untruth. They regularly violate my copyrights that are legitimately registered with the Library of Congress.
The joke is they publish all these extensive regulations & rules of conduct, profanity, yet their administrators & moderators (an oxymoron) are not impartial, but biased - if you do not pay them a fee. That's extortion. Should you hold hearing I would be willing to testify to their activities not allowed in other legitimate media.
Please regulate these social media companies & remove their obscene protection.
Geoff Coenen
Well, you don't see that here.

I sold a few parts on CF, but never have spent a lot of time there.

I've linked some of your videos, good stuff!

Hang in there, what goes around comes around.
This bias is much deeper than most realize.
Facefarce allows death to America advertising - but censors back to work rallies.


Someone, I honestly don't know who - recently asked on the Corvette Foramen - "when is DocRebuild going to re-open?" I saw the message and Big2Bird was the only person who replied stating - I'll find out. Well apparently that was too incendiary as that whole enchilada disappeared down the proverbial rabbit hole. As usual these cowards hide. Was it the tax LEO Giangello, the CSI Briggs or the UPS driver Willis?

Go TRUMP - repeal section 320 of the 1996 CDA

They blowhards all blather about the cost of band width. It must be a small feature of business - KKR bought the Corvette Foramen parent for 1.1 billion a couple of years ago. That's billion as in billion, not like kylies (sp?) billion. Look it up on Wikipedia.
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It`s been almost a year since I said goodbye to CF, the straw as they say was when someone looking for a C-3 frame was asked by the resident frame expert "big block or small block frame?" I responded "whats a BB frame?" and was told by phony LEO vettebuyer6369 not to post in any more of allvettes4me/david howards threads...I said bye bye.
They blowhards all blather about the cost of band width. It must be a small feature of business -

speaking of bandwidth I think many of us remember as CF was growing (former owner Troy) cried he needed a new server so CF could grow, the fools donated and became silver and gold lifetime idiots as shortly later Troy sold CF for a reported $1million....dumb and dumber
I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix last night.

In the 60's, there was a guy named Marshall Mcluhan. He wrote "The Medium is the Message". Basically predicted the sad state we are in today.

Media and social media simply have too much power, many just don't get it that they control what they want you to read/know.... on CF and FB it's clearly censorship....
Only thing CF is good for is buying/selling parts or finding some how to photos.... I am not wasting my time posting there unless somebody sends me a PM.....

And CF's vendor protection is really second to none..... why don't you just pay their fees? Then you get all their protection and can post and say what you want, even if it's complete garbage .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
And CF's vendor protection is really second to none..... why don't you just pay their fees? Then you get all their protection and can post and say what you want, even if it's complete garbage .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I believe supporting vendor fees start at $300 a month whether you sell anything or not, I found you can only sell stuff at CF if your giving it away for cheap or someone is already looking for a part you have...
much less aggravation selling it on ebay and paying the 13% vig
And CF's vendor protection is really second to none..... why don't you just pay their fees? Then you get all their protection and can post and say what you want, even if it's complete garbage .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I believe supporting vendor fees start at $300 a month whether you sell anything or not, I found you can only sell stuff at CF if your giving it away for cheap or someone is already looking for a part you have...
much less aggravation selling it on ebay and paying the 13% vig

FB marketplace is working put ok for me.. or the C3 grpups... for now....
Originally Posted by MYBAD79 View Post

And CF's vendor protection is really second to none..... why don't you just pay their fees? Then you get all their protection and can post and say what you want, even if it's complete garbage ....

My (lengthy) reply ...

I did not get banned because I advertised on the CF & would not pay them a fee. You will not find a message authored by me that advertises or promotes anything - offered by my business. Please show me where anything was advertised by me personally.

Dizzy Dean said something like – "if it already happened – it ain't braggin".
On my old web site there is a large collection of positive published endorsements – all unsolicited by me – that were published on the Corvette Foreskin. ( They are quite numerous & apparently the Corvette Foramen determined that I should pay them a fee, so that someone else could publish an unsolicited endorsement about my company. When I declined paying them so others could post - they used their free employees to amplify anything negative, permit falsehoods & even suppress the positive. That sounds like extortion to me.

I got banned not for any rule or regulation violation on the Corvette Foramen. In actuality they did not enforce their own rules concerning personal attacks. It occurred after declining to take a phone calls from the Kalifornia Internet Brands in house woman lawyer who called me. I surmise she wanted to discuss my identifying their moderator (an oxymoron): Pewter99 = Robert Briggs – on my own web site – not on their web site. Nothing illegal there or even actionable. What do they have to hide for? He has consistently suppressed those who positively recommend my products.

This poor fellow is allegedly a CSI (another oxymoron) who spent so much of his waking & working hours on the Corvette Foramen that a woman Sergeant Internal Affairs Officer in the Pinellas Sheriffs Dept actually contacted me. I did not take her call either; nor did I ever contact them myself directly. I surmise someone sent them a link to my web page identifying how the Pinellas County taxpayers were providing a free employee for the Corvette Foramen – as if the CF needed freebies. Perhaps that needs to be rectified, in light of his continued suppression.

Although I primarily pay taxes in Connecticut, I also pay some in Florida, just not currently in Pinellas County. And it appears to me that the Corvette Foramen exploits their many government public service employees (i.e. oxymoron moderators) to do their bidding – and this one in particular on the Pineallas County Florida taxpayer payroll. Neat eh? Screw off all day and get paid by the government.

To permit Robert Briggs to continue his vicarious free employment on the Corvette Foramen – they actually hid his "Green Bulb" that shows when he is surfing on the job. It's gone. Vanished. Hidden to protect their free employee. Neat eh? Now he can play all day. I have read they have a new sheriff in town & new commissioners in Pinellas County. Perhaps he is unaware that their CSI is actual a full time "employee" elsewhere.

Do you believe in the Golden Rule? I do. If your actions harm or impair my livelihood; I'll reply in kind and do the same to your livelihood. Once the china virus abates, we are going to purchase a condo to spends some of the Northern winter month's in Pinellas County. And rent it out at other times via a realtor. That way I can attend those local government affairs as a local tax payer – and express my concerns. And claim Florida residency when over 183 days in the state.

After we reopen sometime in 2021, we will enter our 42nd year with many proprietary parts & reproductions that have been very well & accepted by the market. Many have been lauded as the best among the rest – by paying customers – not me. We have made accurate parts in the USA for 4 decades; while the marketplace has shifted dramatically to chitty china imports. Thankfully my overhead, tooling, expenses are not a burden.

Correct me if I'm wrong – those few negative messages concern those who never we allowed to order. They bleat about our credit card policies, however we have nearly eliminated that fraud. When & where are the complaints about the parts?

I run my small business just like any bar tender does. If you don't want to follow to the company policies, you simply get ejected. And if you read their "negative nattering nabobs" (quote courtesy of Spiro Agnew) – none of them were even permitted to shove their money in my pocket. That is what really frosts their behind. I won't even take their money.

So do I ever plan on paying the Corvette Foramen? What for?
I don't need them anymore than they need me. Some will do anything to make a buck. Not me.

Pewter 99 – aka 9- Robert Briggs – aka a CSI – recently authored -
QUOTE: the vendor you are looking for has been banned here for years so unless someone posts about him there won't be anything about him. END QUOTE.

Huh? Statements like this make me wonder about the qualification for employment as a CSI in Pinellas County Sheriffs Department. I wonder if the Freedom of Information Act would reveal what written reports he has authored for the Florida taxpayers.

The CF allow the likes of Dan Bachrach to claim we charge $35 shipping for a $3 part – yet he has no receipts for any purchases -ever – not $3, not $30, not $300 - nothing. And that was simply a fallacious ludicrous claim by adding several shipping rates together into one charge. And he calls himself a CPA. Or Gary Ramadei to claim he examined our products & they were mostly imported junk – yet he was never in my warehouse & we never met at any Corvette swap meet. I stopped going to Carlisle years before he even attended. When afforded the opportunity to defend his libel – he folded. I do regret not forcing him to defend his false claims and I easily could have prevailed. He folded like a sack of you know what. Don't you love social media.

Oh well, what goes around, comes around again.
I find it interesting that Lance Miller aka Corvettes at Carlisle is NOT a supporting vendor but allowed to promote his events at CF.....