Duramix 4058 urethane filler


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida

Leftover from a project that I never started....I also have adhesion promoter that I don't need anymore. If you want to repair a urethane bumper this is what you want to use instead of body filler.


Filled Part A and Part B components, packaged in a 6 fluid ounce dual
cartridge. For back-filling pinholes in repair areas of urethane or TPO
plastic bumpers and panels. To be used with the Duramix™ dispenser. Easy to
use. Produces excellent, non-swelling cosmetic base for primers and sealers.
Eliminates halo effects. No mixer tip required.
Work = 3 minutes
Sand = 8 - 10 minutes
Karsten, a buddy let his daughter drive his MR2 import. She came back with a damaged front bumper and headlight. The bumper has a four inch verticle tear starting at the bottom of the passengers side. He asked me if repairing the tear would be difficult. I don't have a clue, but knowing the right materials to use and technique helps. His tear is clean and would appear easy with the right technique. Do you have any suggestions. I'm thinking I'll help him out if I can get some guidance on doing the job. He already bought a new headlight off fleabay.

BTW...I'm heading to Speedworld this Saturday for the next event.
Duramix products are very good but require a special "dual" cartridge applicator gun. I guess you could just cut the cartridge and mix it yourself...

I bought urethane repair adhesive for a repair but that was a long time ago - I think it was a Evercoat or 3M product. It came in two small tubes and you could mix that stuff on a mixing board. I'll try to find it, it is really good stuff, I repaired ground effects with this adhesive and it did not require a filler.

Here's a few links that might be helpful:


Thanks man....that is exactly what I was looking for. I must not have been using the right key words in my google searches. I'm confident in my producing a satisfactory result, but my buddy will have to decide if he wants to tackle the job, or have pros do it. Thanks again!:thumbs:

BTW...if you still have your leftover products for the repair, he may be interested in buying them from you. I'll let you know what he decides.
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