C4 vs C3 differential side yoke wear differences?

Don't you mean struts, upper and lower, somehting your diagram don't show...
I see the ends of the forward arms/struts on the housing ....NO?? :thumbs:

There is no top strut from the diff center to the upright on a C4 ; only the bottom camber arm and halfshaft.
C4 D36 shown but same setup


The C4 rear is identical to the Jag pictured

OK, so much for my memory, sorry, I remember doing some rear hubs on one some years ago, the top pix of the polished units, looked like a top strut was present.....:surrender::thumbs:
I believe the C5 /C6 rear has the SLA double wishbone setup you describe where the halfshaft is not a load bearing member;
I believe the C5 /C6 rear has the SLA double wishbone setup you describe where the halfshaft is not a load bearing member;

I am :( to admit that I can't recall every suspension all that clearly over the years....I would have sworn the C4 had a upper strut, for instance...
and other than 1/2 shaft wear issues I don't see any difference in it....

I need get off my ass to get under my buddies C5 while he is still messing with paint...non the lift he has....I need to look at them if nothing else than get another project underway...call it mental exercise....:chinese: