Hillclimb video


Mar 23, 2008
This is a friend of mine running his vintage Caldwell D9 FF

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That road looks so much like the Blue Ridge parkway or Skyline drive....

I was imagining what that would be like in the vette a couple years ago....


nice drive through the countryside, on a sunday afternoon.....

That road looks so much like the Blue Ridge parkway or Skyline drive....

I was imagining what that would be like in the vette a couple years ago....


nice drive through the countryside, on a sunday afternoon.....


It does, I live only 5 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway, had a lot of late night runs/races growing up near it, we knew where the Rangers lived and if they where at home or out on the Parkway. We were damn lucky we didnt hurt someone or our self.

The climb is a private road at a ski slope. Just a few minutes from Asheville, NC

about 15 months ago, wife and I went on a Fall Foliage tour left here in Jax Florida and drove to Charlotte, then up I77 to the BR pkwy, headed east up the mountain on a smaller road, when we got to the crest we somehow obviously misinterpreted the road sign, or it/we were twisted around and so we went down the east side of the mountain, THAT was a trip, road had more twists than a rattlesnake, and STEEP!!! mother ducker, I was really hard on that little Escort, brakes tranny tires, all I could do to slow it down to a turn off grassy knoll almost at the bottom of the slope.....about a 3? mile plunge off the cliff......:D got turned around and the little bugger was in 2nd gear all the way back up......it was worse than any mountains I have ever driven out west even....mother ducker.....

there were two other adventures on that trip after heading home....stayed off I 95 just south of Richmond, coming home doing about 80 in the left lane, keeping up my end of the bargain with traffic, 10 am this clown in a black pickup get on the road just ahead of us....passes us like we in reverse, careens all over the road from the left shoulder dust to the right shoulder dust, and almost hits a 18 wheeler in the ass, smoked 4 tires and damn nearly lost it, got off on exit 17, POPES Road.....I think there maybe was a stop sign on that road from what I could tell, he was going WAY too fast to make it....I had the NC cops on the cphone trying to call it in, but he dumped off before aything happened there....

later on, same day long about mid afternoon, same spot, 80 mph left lane south of Savannah, just crusiing along with traffic, here comes this white pickup with this stucco spraying concrete mixer trailer behind it....this piece of gear is as wide as the truck and tongue is way in hell up in the air on the hitch....truck full of wheelbarrows, crew cap guys getting off job/work heading home....think nothing of it....I happen to glance in the mirror and see him COMING I just froze and yelled, Linda turned around and saw it too, the trailer was sashaying back and forth taking up a full 2.5 lanes out of 3 with him in the middle....that damn trailer had of hit us we been killed in the median strip full of trees.....so I slammed the gas to the floor as it was either outrun this guy or get swatted like a golf ball at 80 mph.....in a fucking Escort to boot, lovely.....so just as he was about to pass us, other cars behind fading back and slamming on brakes and all crooked in the roadway...this trailer finally comes off the truck, explodes in a white cloud of shit and both large wheels coming off, good size metal chunks and crap flying all over the place.....the driver STILL dunno anything is rong, and passes us going a easy 100 mph, as he is going by I see him talking and a guy in back leans up and looks and shakes his head, only then does the driver slow down, about a mile after the trailer exploded.....I remember glancing in my outside mirror and seeing a red/burgundy motor home on the inner median strip still upright and rolling parallel to the trees/roadway on the grass trying to miss all the shrapnel.....

NEVER to glad to get home....hadn't seen first hand anything even close to that on the highways since that black ice back 35 years earlier....

Sounds like a trip to remember,, :censored: you where near Fancy Gap, VA dropping off into NC near Mt Airy. Known to all trucker in U.S. as the death Mountain. Still some trucks off side of the slopes on old 52.

You got to remember, when visiting the Blue Ridge Mountains most of us are products of selective breeding.... other words,, our elders met their future brides at family reunions. lol,,,,
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Sounds like a trip to remember,, :censored: you where near Fancy Gap, VA dropping off into NC near Mt Airy. Known to all trucker in U.S. as the death Mountain. Still some trucks off side of the slopes on old 52.

You got to remember, when visiting the Blue Ridge Mountains most of us are products of selective breeding.... other words,, our elders met their future brides at family reunions. lol,,,,

I lived in the burbs of Wash Dc, and so had many friends with homes and farms in W. Va. called them ridge runners....one leg shorter than the other.....

my grandpa mined coal in that territory, Pa. maybe 100 years ago....
Yup, Fancy Gap, east to the mountain, down the other side...You made me go pull the map out....yup rt 52 little old 2 lane highway down the east side not as wide as my driveway.....Just mentioned to Linda about that trip, she gives it the Honeymooners tone of voice in her reply, Yes, I remember being sick as a dawg.....

Sounds like a trip to remember,, :censored: you where near Fancy Gap, VA dropping off into NC near Mt Airy. Known to all trucker in U.S. as the death Mountain. Still some trucks off side of the slopes on old 52.

You got to remember, when visiting the Blue Ridge Mountains most of us are products of selective breeding.... other words,, our elders met their future brides at family reunions. lol,,,,

I lived in the burbs of Wash Dc, and so had many friends with homes and farms in W. Va. called them ridge runners....one leg shorter than the other.....

my grandpa mined coal in that territory, Pa. maybe 100 years ago....
Yup, Fancy Gap, east to the mountain, down the other side...You made me go pull the map out....yup rt 52 little old 2 lane highway down the east side not as wide as my driveway.....Just mentioned to Linda about that trip, she gives it the Honeymooners tone of voice in her reply, Yes, I remember being sick as a dawg.....

