Fuel Pressure Regulator


Garage Monkey
Staff member
Mar 5, 2008
Right here
Looks like a quality piece to me. Larry :thumbs: I have not heard anything negative. Not sure of your setup, how do you plan on mounting it?....off the back of one of the fuel rails? Or, are you still looking at a RamJet fuel rail:rolleyes:? The only reason I stayed with the ugly RJ fuel rail, is that it is hidden under the tunnel ram intake. :rolleyes: That regulator looks far better than the one integrated on the RJ rail, and if I understand the discription, it is probably serviceable.

Somehow some people always take a dump on mallory. I have never had a problem with their products, someone declared mallory evil and now everything sucks. IMO Holley pumps are junk and msd ignition boxes are the suck too!

The ramjet fuel rail is a PITA IMO, the additional hard lines allow you to use -5 and -6 an couplers on them (-5 is an awkward size, you'll need a 5 to 6 union). They are pretty tight back there with the distributor and all:

This is what I came up with to keep the fuel lines away from the headers


I am going to use the RamJet fuel rail with this regulator plumbed into it. Planing on mounting the regulator on a a bracket that mounts in the back of the lower intake (same as the RJ). I'll be running the supply and return lines down and across the back of the block like you suggested previously.
The ramjet fuel rail is a PITA IMO, the additional hard lines allow you to use -5 and -6 an couplers on them (-5 is an awkward size, you'll need a 5 to 6 union). They are pretty tight back there with the distributor and all:

Damn, the 5/16 return off the regulator (8-AN) looks like it will be a bitch and/or about 3 adapter/reducers stacked up:surrender: What about this, the pump feed and fuel return ports on the regulator are both 8-AN. On both ports I use 8-AN to 6-AN reducer on the regulator, run some short hard lines (both 3/8 w/6-AN ends) to the flex lines, one line 6 and one 5. I'm assuming that I can find a 6-AN to 5 couplers for the flex line?

It's tight at the back of the engine and I'm trying to keep from putting a bunch of adapters on the regulator. Plus that, I'm not finding much 5-AN available.
Other than appearance using all this braided stainless lines, what particular advantage is it??? I just use Erol's rubber FI hose rated for 250 psi pressures, and so the max the pump puts out is 60 psi with the return pinched off and just the pump running, engine off.....

all I did was slightly flare the steel input line on the LT1 rails, shorten the run forward on my stock fuel lines, curve it up and do the same with the flare tool, and run that 3/8 rubber line with FI rated clamps...doubled up....

is there something I dunno about this black rubber hose, other than appearance??? obviously it's all well away from headers, etc.....

even the return at 5/16 is run the same technique.....

Hey Marck, that last image there, makes no sense to me, why the lines running so far forward, then a U turn to the rear again???:sos:

Because the return is the original feed line, didn't want to hack them up. There was only room for 1 -8 sized fuel line. So, what to do....and when I installed the lines I didn't know there was going to be a ramjet going into it, most engines have the fuel lines coming off the front.
Are both of the braided lines from the fuel rail 6-AN? Then you used the original 3/8 line and the 5/16 return? That's what I would like to do so that I am not forced to find 5-AN stuff.
No, one is -8 the other -6. The blue fitting you see on the ramjet (near distributor) hard line is a -8/-6 reducer, the cad colored one on the return line is a-5/-6 reducer.

The ones on the frame are -8/-8 and a 5/16 hard line to -6 (red blue one).

I only used the original 5/16 for return. The other line is a -8 sized aluminium line. (the one with the tube nut & sleeve)

The return is strictly low pressure so I used one of those 5/16 to -6 AN hard line adapters. They work fine for that application.