C4 Suspension Dimensions?


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2008
Jersey Shore
Anyone have any dimensions for the later C4 ('96) rear suspension assembly? Or (shot in the dark here) a Performance trends file of the suspension?
Have you done their (free) trial download? Might get the details that way -- unless you've been there and they have your "fingerprints."

Cheers - Jim

I just bought the full vehicle analyzer... They have a 5 link rear suspension but I dont think its the C4. I did a quick google search hoping something would come up on the IRSforum but... nada.
And while youre in this thread... any input on cutting off the top part of the C-channel pinion mount? I was planning to cut it off but still maintain a stiffening rib like the other side.
Search for "Ralphy" here and on the IRS Forum. I seem to recall he is putting a C4 IRS in his Cobra Kit. Might try to PM him here.
As far as the mod to the C4 Diff - outta my league!
Cheers - Jim
Search for "Ralphy" here and on the IRS Forum. I seem to recall he is putting a C4 IRS in his Cobra Kit. Might try to PM him here.
As far as the mod to the C4 Diff - outta my league!
Cheers - Jim

I know he did the C3 IRS in his cobra... Ill have to shoot him a PM and see what hes got going on

I can give you '86 dimensions if that will help.


That would be great! Thanks Rod!
That would be great! Thanks Rod!

I will have some time on New Years's Day. Get back to you then.

That would be great! Thanks Rod!

I will have some time on New Years's Day. Get back to you then.


Hey Rod, you avatar there, what vehicle is that on?? I suppose you made that.....creative/funny/love it.....:cool::lol:
you avatar there, what vehicle is that on?? I suppose you made that.....creative/funny/love it....

Wish I knew what the photo was from. I ran across it recently, laughed and saved the picture deciding I had to use it here as my identity. It seemed just perfect for this forum.
Here we go. These are casual measurements, or taken as carefully as I can with a tape.

outside axle max width 63 1/2"
rim face plate with disc's on 61 1/2"
outside disc rim edges 58"
bat wing outside casting 40"
bat wing ctr to ctr bolt hole 37 3/8"
bat wing bolt holes are about 1 1/2" below top of diff.
struts (laterally across) outside edge 45" Bearing hub plate is outside of this.
struts lower 13" ctr to ctr.
struts upper 11" ctr to ctr.
struts bolted onto bearing hub plate, 6" ctr to ctr.

I'm sure I've got the wrong terminology for individual bits, and I'm sure someone will want to correct me. Anyway, if there is something more that I could help with or clarify.

Cheers, Rod