
You know the part of this whole thread that i like is," It's not my fault that the paint attacked and ruined everything"
Yea Gene,it is you're fault,you did not follow directions or listen to those that know what they are doing.
Quite making excuses and do it right,or give it up.

I hear you man, not the issue, apparently, according to some friends the amount of 'reducer' affects drying/cure times , and should NOT have lifted any body work...well, what EVER....

at any rate, I went and bought some ten bux/gallon REAL MINERAL Spirits from HD this AM....mixed it with the paint and shot that SOB, metal wiper slats first....figgering they can be totally destroyed, and it's only aluminum so strip it and go on.....well it went on like iceing on a cake....set it out in the noon sun till just now..~3 hours....that shit is ON there hard as hell, actually harder than the messed up shit from ~2 weeks I shot the hood blister spot....still blistered, but not as more to gig out and redo yet again....BFD, it also dried/cured in the FLORIDA SUN....too hot to touch actually....feel that far so on to SOME of the car, the pass rear fender up top, and the front of the pass door/fender area....

also baked in the sun but for only 2 hrs at was getting cloudy which is why I"m on the 'puter now, listening to some distant rumbles and the sky is getting dark....

SO, far as I"m concerned, PISS ON all that 'reducer' crap.....oil base paint marked enamel or urethane use Mineral Spirits....lacquer is obvious....

all that bullshit....for nothing...true the hood blister would still be there, and I still have to do the rear deck over ...but the paint sprays without killing me with the STINK, still wore a decent respirator, of course....


I full well know that 6 years from now it all flakes off in a huge pile anyway...typical PAINt.....

No its not typical paint to fall off in 6 years. This is like beating a dead horse,and the last time i will write this. Get 1 brand and use their products,the way the tech sheet says. Karsten has posted at least 50 times now to some products to use that is inexpensive,how to mix it and apply it :sweat: I swear it's like talking to a wall.
You have been told,and now this case is CLOSED.
No its not typical paint to fall off in 6 years. This is like beating a dead horse,and the last time i will write this. Get 1 brand and use their products,the way the tech sheet says. Karsten has posted at least 50 times now to some products to use that is inexpensive,how to mix it and apply it :sweat: I swear it's like talking to a wall.
You have been told,and now this case is CLOSED.

Kevin, I got TWO choices...Sherwin W up the street, but lotsa guys don'g like their products....even the helpful guy behind the counter said to use their best stuff....500 bux worth of paint....bag that shit, I flat can't afford it....had that money for just PAINT, I"d have Maaco do the whole damn car....but they ain't painting no vette for 450 bux.....

second off was the DuPont dealer up the street, well a vette buddy gave me about 3 quarts of Nason I spent near 40 bux there for a 'reducer'...alot for a quart can of clear whatever....

so anyway, the guy at the Daytona show is full of shit, or he knows just exactly what is what, and that's not ME, so I goofed a bit, so what, still should not take out the freeking resins and paints under the paint...period, end of conversation....should be able to pour that reducer on a cured paint and leave it overnight without affect.....well maybe not THAT long, but you get my was dry 'hard' to the touch, but then it took about a week or two for the crap to take place....

I guess I will see....

And if it don't work, flat black Rustoleum and it's over rover....

This prove a point,
If there's one thing I've learned with time, is that you have to be patient and buy whatever it takes to make the job right. If not, you will be restarting over and over.

Paint is chemestry. A bunch of chemical products mixed together.
Paint co. whoever they are, have done extensive research to come up with recipes for primer, reducer paint name it.
They dont do research with other manufactuer products to see if they are compatible with they're own brand.

They came up with products that are compatible with theyre line of product only.

if you come up and start replacing any of the stuff in order to save a few bucks, you get the result you have.

Got to be patient Gene.
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Patience aint the friggin PROBLEM, listen up guys, the man I got that paint from SAID IT WAS Compatible with DuPont, he flew their sign over his tent....

I ordered the paint from his web site via the cards he handed out...

it came with NO DuPont insignia at ALL, he says he buys it in 55 gallong drums and parcels it out as necessary.....all sounds fine to ME.....

So he a wholesaler like Finish Masters here up the Road...DuPont supply house wanting 350 bux or so for a gallon of what is supposedly the same thing.....

ALL I can say is that the shit smells the same......anyone can tell MEK from lacquer thinner from miner spirits, from alky, from gasoline, and now add in that isocynate stuff for me NOW.....use it in a breeze only with a nice respirator....fine...done....

NOW, what is SO much a mystery over me attempting to save a few hundred bux, and what is the answer as to what in that long list of chemical can't pronounce it's that attacked the primer and underlaying body work???

but note, NOT on the doors where I filled in the door locks, same technique as used on the back deck....and the front end....the doors are smooth as a baby's go FIGGER....

Alll you guys got is to hop my ass over this God forsaken PAINt, but no one got a clue as to what happened....

so I find my own damn solutions, I guess....

which goes back to common sense, oil base paints are mixed with Mineral sprits, and nothing else......

Latex is thinned/washed with WATER.....simple....

and to let NO ONE bullshit me any different.....

35 bux/quart for thinner/reducer....bullshit....ten bus/GALLON Loews Depot....

Isn't there a saying that goes "You get what you pay for"
and another one "If it sounds to good to be true"
and "A sucker is born every minute"
Gene, it sound like you are turning your car into a toxic waste dump on wheels. How to paint a car $19.95. Money well spent for the first timer.

Gene, it sound like you are turning your car into a toxic waste dump on wheels. How to paint a car $19.95. Money well spent for the first timer.


ALL I ever wanted is a 5-5 car...5mph/5 feet away...looks GOOD....

NOT a believer in show standards....fore they are trailer queens...I actually DRIVE my car....most every day...


TT go ahead and lock this sense in it anymore....
