Hey Red

Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 View Post
Don't be shy here, say what you really think.

I have nothing aginst DB myself. BUT!!! What we have read here and on VM is very damning for DB. I have tried to help him a number of times myself. I have read his posts on CF and found them ......well.... "wanting"...(for lack of a better term) in detail and some not even close to being correct. I hope all this will be done with when RED gets his money (which according to RED should be soon).
Afraid I have to agree with you, sorry to have to come to that conclusion....
" quote


I too have talked with him over this problem last month in fact as I recall was the last .comm on it....I have to delete files for over crapasshity about once a month.....

so the notes are gone....but at this point, I have to agree with most of the above, and Glad Mike/RED, got his money back, if the m/o don't bounce....

Anti GENE....very funny.....I agree with your concept Jphil, but you ignore ONE main salient point, just WHO has to out of the generosity of their pockets, pay the BILLS and do the efforts to keep the site running seems to me the efforts need be paid for, much less the certainty of the BILLS/costs being paid....

but I have no stake in VM or here for that matter, or there, never did contribute any money, really....do business like all of us with sponsors, so they can pay for addy work...what goes around comes around, and Jphil is a a olde tyme hippie I guess....

....and Jphil is a a olde tyme hippie I guess....


He turned fifty-five last Sunday
And his hair is gone or gray
But he still ain't changed his lifestyle
He likes it better the old way
So he grows a little garden in the back yard by the fence
He's consuming what he's growing nowadays in self defense
He get's out there in the twilight zone
Sometimes when it just don't make no sense

He gets off on blues & techno
The new country music leaves him cold
He's got young friends into punk rock
But he's just too friggin' old
And he dreams at night of Woodstock and the day John Lennon died
How the music made him happy and the silence made him cry
Yeah he thinks of John sometimes
And he has to wonder why

He's an old hippie and he don't know what to do
Should he hang on to the old
Should he grab on to the new
He's an old hippie...his new life is just a bust
He ain't trying to change nobody
He's just trying real hard to adjust

He was sure back in the sixties that everyone was hip
Then they sent him off to Vietnam on his senior trip
And they forced him to become a man while he was still a boy
And in each wave of tragedy he waited for the joy
Now this world may change around him
But he just can't change no more

He's an old hippie and he don't know what to do
Should he hang on to the old
Should he grab on to the new
He's an old hippie...his new life is just a bust
He ain't trying to change nobody
He's just trying real hard to adjust

Well he stays away a lot now from the parties and the clubs
And he's thinking while he's joggin' 'round
Sure is glad he quit the hard drugs
Cause him and his kind get more endangered everyday
And pretty soon the species will just up and fade away
Like the smoke from that torpedo...just up and fade away

He's an old hippie and he don't know what to do
Should he hang on to the old
Should he grab on to the new
He's an old hippie...his new life is just a bust
He ain't trying to change nobody
He's just trying real hard to adjust.
Last edited:
....and Jphil is a a olde tyme hippie I guess....


He turned fifty-five last Sunday
And his hair is gone or gray
But he still ain't changed his lifestyle
He likes it better the old way
So he grows a little garden in the back yard by the fence
He's consuming what he's growing nowadays in self defense
He get's out there in the twilight zone
Sometimes when it just don't make no sense

He gets off on blues & techno
The new country music leaves him cold
He's got young friends into punk rock
But he's just too friggin' old
And he dreams at night of Woodstock and the day John Lennon died
How the music made him happy and the silence made him cry
Yeah he thinks of John sometimes
And he has to wonder why

He's an old hippie and he don't know what to do
Should he hang on to the old
Should he grab on to the new
He's an old hippie...his new life is just a bust
He ain't trying to change nobody
He's just trying real hard to adjust

He was sure back in the sixties that everyone was hip
Then they sent him off to Vietnam on his senior trip
And they forced him to become a man while he was still a boy
And in each wave of tragedy he waited for the joy
Now this world may change around him
But he just can't change no more

He's an old hippie and he don't know what to do
Should he hang on to the old
Should he grab on to the new
He's an old hippie...his new life is just a bust
He ain't trying to change nobody
He's just trying real hard to adjust

Well he stays away a lot now from the parties and the clubs
And he's thinking while he's joggin' 'round
Sure is glad he quit the hard drugs
Cause him and his kind get more endangered everyday
And pretty soon the species will just up and fade away
Like the smoke from that torpedo...just up and fade away

He's an old hippie and he don't know what to do
Should he hang on to the old
Should he grab on to the new
He's an old hippie...his new life is just a bust
He ain't trying to change nobody
He's just trying real hard to adjust.

DAMN dude, who wrote that??? YOU???

good piece of writing at any rate....

I sympathize with it more than maybe apparent...

No I didn't write it. It's an old Bellamy Brothers song. I changed a couple words--made him 55 and likin' blues & techno.
Here's a later 'updated' version they came out with, another long time ago....


I never been any pop music fan for some 50+ years now, back in my listening daze I was into Jazz, blues, bluegrass (white mans' blues), some classical, and totally freeked out when a symphony lost their hair and rocked out on occasion....
Lover of the massive pipe organs appearing in major Cathedrals, and have heard a couple of clips when playing funky music too....major accomplishment when you know how they work.....BIL sat at the keyboard in the WASH National Cathedral a few times....

a old buddy from HS, who later in life was a tech support at the local CBS station to get his name on the scroll page at end of the NATIONAL news...well he went to a new england movie theater, and found....

a PIPE ORGAN, Theater organ, took it out, and rebuilt it in his father's basement....we was in like Jr. High....some dad, cool as hell to lend the obvious support to a kid's insanity dream.....the plumbing and wiring was astounding, but you know, in a year or so, Bob had that damn thing running, I about shit my pants....he lived like 8 blocks down and across the road....

my buddy on the site there with all the radio gear, he lived about 6 blocks down and on the other side of the same street....

WTF? YOU have to explain yourself there and state that D boy finally made good? I would have never done that. This request by the moderators is a downright insult IMO. What an outrage. Let that jackoff explain why he tried to steal 770$ from you, THAT would have been proper procedure.

Of the people involved there, YOU should be the last one who has some explaining to do. As a buyer what else can you do but commit and send money? You did that all. The fuckup is completely on his end. The cool aid is indeed flowing freely over there.

WTF? YOU have to explain yourself there and state that D boy finally made good? I would have never done that. This request by the moderators is a downright insult IMO. What an outrage. Let that jackoff explain why he tried to steal 770$ from you, THAT would have been proper procedure.

Of the people involved there, YOU should be the last one who has some explaining to do. As a buyer what else can you do but commit and send money? You did that all. The fuckup is completely on his end. The cool aid is indeed flowing freely over there.

I ageee....:smash::thumbs:
WTF? YOU have to explain yourself there

And of course the thread has been locked so no one can question the sense of the thread. The timing strikes me as funny... Who does this thread benefit? I bet the subject will never be allowed to be discussed again.

WTF? YOU have to explain yourself there and state that D boy finally made good? I would have never done that. This request by the moderators is a downright insult IMO. What an outrage. Let that jackoff explain why he tried to steal 770$ from you, THAT would have been proper procedure.

Of the people involved there, YOU should be the last one who has some explaining to do. As a buyer what else can you do but commit and send money? You did that all. The fuckup is completely on his end. The cool aid is indeed flowing freely over there.

Unfreaking believable! Red...did you ask them if DB was requested to make a post as well? I think I would have requested that of the mods before you did what they requested of you. In essence...they wanted you to be the one to tell everyone there that DB made a mistake but fixed it with no other explanation. I truly feel bad that you were treated this way and drug through the mud for his bullshit. J
I expected no different. :bonkers:That's why we are here.:1st: Let it be written, that shall never happen here.:yahoo:
Well...I PM'd Pewter. He responded with no legitimate answer as to why. He then forwarded it to Crossram. Which also responded with an "explaination" I responded back to both. Pure bullshit
Well...I PM'd Pewter. He responded with no legitimate answer as to why. He then forwarded it to Crossram. Which also responded with an "explaination" I responded back to both. Pure bullshit

My time on the computer has bee very limited, so let me fill you in. I received a MO from DB, as I stated in an earlier post and have the funds in my account. crossram told me I should be receiving a check soon, this was last week, and asked that I post having received it, after it arrived. After it arrived I had time to reflect on my journey and became angrier. It was only after cooling down some that I was able to swallow hard and get the post out on Sunday. I felt i was taking the high road by doing it. The moderators all got PM's from me explaining my feeling about how it was mishandled by them IMO. I made suggestions on how to avoid a repeat perfromance, but fear it fell on deaf ears. Puter got my thoughts on comments he made before closing the thread. He must not have cared for my suggestions as he suggested i take it up with an administrator. My PM's and suggestions have run their course and I'm done with this issue. It is closed, as I am way too busy and need to focus on other issues. You guys have been right about many things and this is one. What he does over there is no longer my concern. The folks there should be aware of this issue and if they choose to ignore it, so be it.

At this point it appears I will be using Patriot heads sold by Murrays Speed and custom. They have everything as the make believe heads i bought from DB. They are good for up to .580 lift and come complete with guide plates. They have 64 cc chambers and 190 runners. @ $877 I can't go too far wrong and they fit my pocketbook. After TT's pictures of those ugly Ford heads, I checked them out and the cnc machine work is perfect. They guarantee the heads and if they fail or have a defect they will be replaced. I'm starting to gather the information I need, so when the time is right I can move quickly. It will be a couple months before this starts.

This motor is going in a bracket racer, so I'm not interested in making tons of torque. I need to maintain good traction and a consistent performer. Last Saturday I made it to the last eight when the track closed at 2 AM due to the time and cold temperatures. The slower cars had an advantage in those conditions. The track wouldn't hold much power, so power cars went down. I will more than likely post progress in the engine section when the time is right. Thanks again for the support and help through my dark days.:thumbs:
I will more than likely post progress in the engine section when the time is right. Thanks again for the support and help through my dark days.:thumbs:

You better! Sounds like an interesting combination:idea:
You may have taken the "high road" but I bet it was a lonely one way trip, as you were the only one on it.

He may been point man, but a bunch of artillery coming up behind too....

Red/Mike is cool, us Florida types need shanghai him for some get together or other...

What I don't get is the heavy moderator involvement. Why did CROSSRAM send you a message that you were receiving the refund? That's DBs job.Another DB back pocket mod, one who was instated (and god knows why, he sure knows jack sh!t about these cars and hasn't been a member for very long either) just to strengthen the barricades to protect the golden boy.

Most of these noobs don't even remember the yankee lady times, the times they were running on infopop/madrona park forum software, the zeroforum software...the big forum crash (that wiped out my account too), the times when there were what, 1400 members? They probably don't even know the sensei earl stuff (although what transpired there is right up their alley).....I guess they get what they deserve.