The solution to all brake problems

Pretty rotors :) but if it's rattle can paint, it'll come right off. Someone here painted his rotors black. Now, it he used some kind of 2K epoxy caliper paint..that might become a problem.
I painted the hubs and the outer diameter of my rotors, the paint is on there for years now, it holds up pretty good. Rusted rotors are extremely ugly.

No, I did not paint the entire rotor :1st:
I think TT is right. Other than fouling the pads it'll probably come right off.

Nice colour. :bounce:
yes, it will wear off anyway but why would you NOT mask that area if you're painting the rotors ?? It can't be good for the pads..... :lol:
What a tool. Everyone knows they should be red.

Bullshit, purple with pink polka dots.....

same as the walls in my living room....:smash::eek:

wife asks what color I like for a room paint project, that is my reply....she just smirks and does what wants......

What a tool. Everyone knows they should be red.

Bullshit, purple with pink polka dots.....

same as the walls in my living room....:smash::eek:

wife asks what color I like for a room paint project, that is my reply....she just smirks and does what wants......


Don't they do what they want no matter what anyone says????:suspicious:
Quote from Brutal64: If it is left to the present Congress, we’ll get the best thinking of the eco-nazis, the safety nazis, the California Air Resources Board, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and the Biosphere 2 people. For the good of the nation and its citizens, these clowns should be kept as far from our automobiles as is politically possible."

I appreciate the thought, but I think we should try to adhere to politically historically accurate terms. These people are not nazis. They are socialists at least and probably are modern equivalents of Marxist Leninists. Nazis...No.

Part of the liberal mantra is to blame all overreaching of state power on the nazis. They don't want people to know that socialists/marxist leninists hold the all time world records for mass liquidations of people. ...Stalin's starvation of the Ukraine, the Gulaag prison system of Stalin, Mao Tse-Tungs revolution that killed many millions of chinese, Pol Pots' mass and almost unimaginable exection of millions in Cambodia. Fidel Castro, etc. I think the outrage over the Nazis is their killing of 6 million people. At a Marxist/Leninist reunion, you'd never get to rub elbows with the big time killers with paltry numbers like this.
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Thought I'd share this little gem: one man brake bleeder

I posted this years ago "over there" but figure some people over here might be too new or never been over there.
so the wife is out of town and you decide to spend the weekend getting personal with your favorite c2/c3/c4 Corvette. (this works with almost any vehicle that uses a striker bolt type door latch)
But what do you do when you come to the brakes? Most of us try to bribe a neighbor with beer or something but most of them don't like it when you knock on the door at 11 at night.
Here's where a couple dollars and a little forward planning will allow you to do the job all by your lonesome. Go to your favorite hardware store and pick up at least a five foot piece of 3/4" PVC pipe. Cut that pipe to exactly 54". Now when it's time to do that brake job, pump the brakes like you normally do but on the last pump use the PVC instead, then put the other end over the door striker bolt. The PVC will act as a spring and as soon as you crack the bleeder valve, it will push the pedal to the floor and hold it there.
The procedure is the same as if you had a second person, it just takes longer, but at least if you ever need to do this solo you can.
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Quote from Brutal64: If it is left to the present Congress, we’ll get the best thinking of the eco-nazis, the safety nazis, the California Air Resources Board, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and the Biosphere 2 people. For the good of the nation and its citizens, these clowns should be kept as far from our automobiles as is politically possible."

Actually, the quote is from David E Davis- one of my favorite Auto writers.

I believe the term of "Nazi" is used instead of "evil".

When you want to a bad guy--there is nothing worst than a Nazi. Well, back in the 60s and 70s there were "Bikers".:bump:

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