#40 racer was 300 yards from the tornado


Mar 23, 2008
Well, I got lucky yesterday. As I was watching morning new, I saw the parking lot of the NC Transportation Museum where one of the tornados touched down. I thought shit.. my #40 racer is in there. it was still dark when I left the house for the drive. Well, I could not believe my eyes. Where the vintage racer was housed, not one thing was moved or damaged. 300 yards east, total destruction. I have sadness for the people's homes that where in the path of that twister.


Well, I got lucky yesterday. As I was watching morning new, I saw the parking lot of the NC Transportation Museum where one of the tornados touched down. I thought shit.. my #40 racer is in there. it was still dark when I left the house for the drive. Well, I could not believe my eyes. Where the vintage racer was housed, not one thing was moved or damaged. 300 yards east, total destruction. I have sadness for the people's homes that where in the path of that twister.



Holy crap. The wind force to move a container full of paper was enormous. Your lucky the car still exists.:eek:
Well, I got lucky yesterday. As I was watching morning new, I saw the parking lot of the NC Transportation Museum where one of the tornados touched down. I thought shit.. my #40 racer is in there. it was still dark when I left the house for the drive. Well, I could not believe my eyes. Where the vintage racer was housed, not one thing was moved or damaged. 300 yards east, total destruction. I have sadness for the people's homes that where in the path of that twister.



Holy crap. The wind force to move a container full of paper was enormous. Your lucky the car still exists.:eek:

Having done a bit of sailing, I can state that even a mild wind of 30 mph is a bit much to endure.....

when it gets THAT bad, it's time for bare poles and head UP....

Damn lucky right there!

I'm just North of Greensboro....all during the storm I'm watching the emergency weather info on the local news channel.......announcer comes and and says that a Tornado has just touched down in Colfax and is travelling northeast towards Oak Ridge.......I live in Oak Ridge Ridge.......I watched as the storm passed just a couple miles South of me. Got lucky.

Some coworkers were not so lucky. One guy has been out for a couple of days now....significant damage to his house. He lives where another Tornado touched down in High Point. Flooding has also been really bad is some areas.
Damn lucky right there!

I'm just North of Greensboro....all during the storm I'm watching the emergency weather info on the local news channel.......announcer comes and and says that a Tornado has just touched down in Colfax and is travelling northeast towards Oak Ridge.......I live in Oak Ridge Ridge.......I watched as the storm passed just a couple miles South of me. Got lucky.

Some coworkers were not so lucky. One guy has been out for a couple of days now....significant damage to his house. He lives where another Tornado touched down in High Point. Flooding has also been really bad is some areas.

Man,, you did get lucky,, you guys in the Piedmont got hammered, even some injuries? Hope all is well soon. The cell followed I85 and was touching down all along the way. Then turned northeast past spencer. Up Hwy 29.
Damn lucky right there!

I'm just North of Greensboro....all during the storm I'm watching the emergency weather info on the local news channel.......announcer comes and and says that a Tornado has just touched down in Colfax and is travelling northeast towards Oak Ridge.......I live in Oak Ridge Ridge.......I watched as the storm passed just a couple miles South of me. Got lucky.

Some coworkers were not so lucky. One guy has been out for a couple of days now....significant damage to his house. He lives where another Tornado touched down in High Point. Flooding has also been really bad is some areas.

Man,, you did get lucky,, you guys in the Piedmont got hammered, even some injuries? Hope all is well soon. The cell followed I85 and was touching down all along the way. Then turned northeast past spencer. Up Hwy 29.

Sure did! This was in a local news story todaY:

The worst, a 200-yard-wide EF3 that touched down in north High Point, damaged more than 200 homes with winds of almost 140 mph.

Weather service teams also confirmed that an EF2 tornado packing winds of up to 120 miles an hour hit the southern Davidson County community of Linwood and an EF1 tornado touched down near Thomasville.

Tornadoes also struck in Person County, near Belmont in Gaston County and near Spencer in Rowan County.

At least seven people were hurt but no one was killed.
Tornadoes are tricky devils. About 15 years ago I went "home" to visit my parents while I was still on active duty. We did some cruising around in the old neighborhood and they showed me these beautiful new houses that were built in the field I used to play in when I was a kid. A week later my mom sent me a newspaper clipping of tornado damage. A tornado touched down on the exact street we were on a week earlier. On one side of the road, just a few houses had broken windows and some shingles missing. On the other side, complete destruction. Houses leveled to the foundation. Just unbelievable.
Of course the old joke in the south is the safest place to be is 1/4 mile from a trailer park.
Katrina was what?? 6 years ago?? anyway, I signed on as part of the FEMA Katrina effort, Parsons-Brinkerhoff employee, for housing damage appraisal...

the shit I saw woke up my sleepy ass...mother ducker...there was such mass confustion, on the way out there, I spied a tree stump about 10' tall to the right/north side of I 10 as I heading west, that tree was about ~3' diameter, larger than the others...but it's a guess on diameter.....the stump I saw was twisted around like a broom handle with a pipe wrench on one end, the wood was splintered/twisted and splayed out like prawns on a palm tree, at the same height all the trees were broken off like lawn mower, and the billboards were broken the same way, sheared off clean....

that ONE tree obviously hit by summfin....and it wasn't any Caddy.....

it was a Olds....

then the trip across the bridge near Mobile bay Alabama...to the right/north span was two HUGE 3-4 story houses taking maybe 1/4 acre footprint each...the one closer to the freeway was leaned over maybe 20* or so, roof about totally gone, the larger neighbor was the same lean but had the roof on....both were toast....how they hung together is anyone's guess, must have been some serious steel anchors in them walls, but when the thing healed over like a sailboat....them were useless....

then on the way back east, same bridge going east and so looking south, I spotted a slab of about a acre in size,....I dunno what was there, but that thing was bald as my head....not one piece of pipe/plumbing/electrical/conduit/NUTTIN honey flat DAMN covered in the storm surge mud....

the contents of peoples houses all over I 10 in both directions....mattresses, bedsheets, rugs, furniture hung up in what was left of the trees, stainless kitchen double bucket sink in the median strip.....freeking unbelieveable....

wood everywhere, clothing, you name, a huge fishing trawler bow up looking at the sky about 45* angle leaned over to port, wedged tight up against the southern span abutment on the western shore of some river/creek....maybe a 60' steel boat....

and I am going to leave the poly ticks outta it....it was a HUGE CAT ASS TROPHY.....

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