67 miles and I made it home

Arthur Brown

Well-known member
Dec 5, 2008
My wife and I drove the Corvette yesterday on New Yers Day. I just replaced the brakes with this forum's support and yesterday we enjoyed the ride on a 67 mile "cruise". It was great. We had other Corvette drivers wave at us, I noticed the so late I did not get a chance to wave back. I hope they don't think I'm rude.
I think it's great to hear various recognitions of the vette, from guys and even a occational gal....happens damn nearly every time I go out....

at the beer store just this afternoon, this kid walks up and says....those tail lights are from a Olds aren't they??? I say YES, '68 Olds '88......

must have been his father making the comment to him at one point.....kid way in hell too young to know....


wife is SO shy she don't like the attention....guess I B used to it....I love to talk cars....

tech shit....
