Air pumps suck.....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida

IT's one HELL of a Kludge....but....

it works to a certain extent...

at idle I get about 2" vac not so bad, so I rev it in the garage, it quite quickly tops out around 10 maybe 11"......

cute....right in there.....

wanna take it on the road a piece and see what happens....

this is with a well sealed 350 with some 80k++ miles on it....

this is also drawn through the LT1 stock PVC location with just a hose and a T fitting for the vac gauge I been using for decades as a tune up device...

the stock LT1 location, UNLIKE ANY OTHER VALVE COVER LOCATION I HAVE EVER SEEN, NEVER did have any oil in the 3/8 PVC hose to the mani vac...clean as a whistle.....

experiments continue....

oh, this is a FORD airpump with proper hose in and out fittings...about 7/8 diameter....I have NOthing in any lines, no separators, not even a discharge hose on the pressure side of the pump....

and it's in the stock location for a '88 vette, in place of the air pump eliminator kit....

IF I photographed this for a all would :D:D:cry: your asses off as to the mechanics....

still not perfectly sure the engine is air tight either....but pretty close....

stay tuned, soon as I manage to hood closed, and gauge propped into position I can read...I go for a drive....

maybe tmrw for that though...traffic is a bitch today and it's colder'n a witches tit out there damn north wind and only 65f.....fucking winter.... :(:mad::p
That's interesting, wouldn't have thought it would work that good. Someone on efraud is selling modified stock (C3) air pumps to be used as a vac. pump. :idea:
Good job Gene,worked on mine a little bit,but leaning over that fender only last so long then i have to take a break for the rest of the day :mad: Damm back anyway
Good job Gene,worked on mine a little bit,but leaning over that fender only last so long then i have to take a break for the rest of the day :mad: Damm back anyway

Yeh, don't want to hurt that stainless there do you??:yahoo:

Well under other sections I have put some info on my tests today...think I need a much smaller pulley, and if I get a chance tmrw I go junkyard run and do some sunny shopping....

funny thing, got this old friend of decades, and maybe 20 years ago we happened to have same day off and needed do a junkyard run...we went together, and found that for some strange reason neither one of us could describe, we found a certain relaxation and fun factor in looking at the junk, picking apart various shit, seeing how it was made, picking/searching/finding our 'treasure'.... etc....just wandering from unique site to yet another....

guess I"M nutz.....:shocking::shocking::p
found that for some strange reason neither one of us could describe, we found a certain relaxation and fun factor in looking at the junk, picking apart various shit, seeing how it was made, picking/searching/finding our 'treasure'.... etc....just wandering from unique site to yet another....

guess I"M nutz.....:shocking::shocking::p

Back years ago, there dozens of wrecking yards around here. They were good for the relaxation factor, but were also sad at the same time.:bounce:
Stainless steel,no way i have Titanium in my back :rolleyes:
Anyway maybe i will work on mine tommorow,have to wait and see how the back is doing,something gets pinched back there and it makes my left foot go numb and part of my right leg :gurney: and my lower back starts to hurt so i have to quite,but it is getting better,it does not happen as much as it use too:bounce:
Stainless steel,no way i have Titanium in my back :rolleyes:
Anyway maybe i will work on mine tommorow,have to wait and see how the back is doing,something gets pinched back there and it makes my left foot go numb and part of my right leg :gurney: and my lower back starts to hurt so i have to quite,but it is getting better,it does not happen as much as it use too:bounce:

You may remember I got a bad lo back, for all my life, extra vertebra with funky growth, tossed my ass outta the Army in '66 as a cashiered in one month and one day.....:mad: so I familiar with those type pains/symptoms/numbness and crap in extremities fucking skeleton is bad from toes to nose...freeking rusted up crap....wish the hell I could get a whole new one outta some sort of polycan' know, one of them plastics it takes a CHEM ENGINEER to read the name of.....TT you reading this?:D

Got your hero Gene right here:

Back years ago, there dozens of wrecking yards around here. They were good for the relaxation factor, but were also sad at the same time.:bounce:

Yep. Rocko's, amd numprous others on Beach, and in GG. All but gone. Sad really, but that's progress. At $1,000,000 am acre and up, it just don't pay.
I went thru El Paso last summer. There are MILES of them coming into town. MILES.
Yep. Rocko's, amd numprous others on Beach, and in GG. All but gone. Sad really, but that's progress. At $1,000,000 am acre and up, it just don't pay.
I went thru El Paso last summer. There are MILES of them coming into town. MILES.

I think a road trip to El Paso should be considered. Of, course bring a big truck. Hell, I might frind that 65 Ford Galaxy I want.:D:bounce:
Yep. Rocko's, amd numprous others on Beach, and in GG. All but gone. Sad really, but that's progress. At $1,000,000 am acre and up, it just don't pay.
I went thru El Paso last summer. There are MILES of them coming into town. MILES.

I spent summer '70 in Ft. Worth/Dallas area, and when doing the junkyard runs, I was astonished to find the lack of rust on the vechicles.....compared to Maryland, and the reason they were there is on account of violent collisions.....the bad wrecks ratio was way over the amount in Maryland....

same here in Florida....:nuts:
I used to scrounge the Cal desert for antique car parts. You can still find bodies that clean right up. The dry air is amazing. That's why the mothball A/F is in Tuscon and up by Edwards AFB.
I used to scrounge the Cal desert for antique car parts. You can still find bodies that clean right up. The dry air is amazing. That's why the mothball A/F is in Tuscon and up by Edwards AFB.

AN AIRCRAFT junkyard...that's funny, and tragic at the same about a waste of money, but then again, it provided JOBS, the modern tech version of the WPA is the way I look at it....:flash::bonkers::D

which on average is a good thing if NOT taken to extremes...

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