Happy B-Day mrvette

Thanks guys, I got the email from several groups this morning....

Wife got me two PINK FLAMINGOS for the yard.....can't live in FLORIDA without a PINK Flamingo in your yard.....it's mandatory....she insists on the back yard, I want them in front.....

Я желаю тебе крепкого здоровья Gene!
Я желаю тебе долгих и счастливых лет жизни!
И самое главное, Я желаю тебе счастья - безмерного счастья! каждый день!

Я желаю тебе крепкого здоровья Gene!
Я желаю тебе долгих и счастливых лет жизни!
И самое главное, Я желаю тебе счастья - безмерного счастья! каждый день!


Thanks man, wonder if you knew my family background is Russian?? both sides, 1895 emigration from some small town that no longer exists on any modern maps....figger lenin, stalin, hitler did them in....

Jim, Irack is a good place to be BACK from....

What ??? How did you live here in Florida for what ?? 124 years ??? without PINK flamingos ???? :harhar:


Я желаю тебе крепкого здоровья Gene!
Я желаю тебе долгих и счастливых лет жизни!
И самое главное, Я желаю тебе счастья - безмерного счастья! каждый день!


Thanks man, wonder if you knew my family background is Russian?? both sides, 1895 emigration from some small town that no longer exists on any modern maps....figger lenin, stalin, hitler did them in....

No I didn't, was just doing another :quote:comie:quote: joke.
Happy birthday :friends:
Hey, happy birthday you old (fill in the blank)! All that complaining and still kicking for another year! Hope you and Linda had or will have a good celebration!