Help!! Slowed oil leak by adding PCV and changing from 50wt VR to 5w-30.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
Let me run this by you and see what you think. I pulled the pan Friday night and replaced the gasket. I did not remove the main cap and replace the seal because when I looked at it it looked dry around the crank end.
Today I reconnected my pcv and refilled the oil with 5w-30. Let the car sit in the driveway running for 10 minutes to get up to operating temp while watching for a leak at the back of the pan. Did not see one drop of oil anywhere.
Took the car for a drive and to my surprise it ran better than it had in a few months. Temps were down about 15 degrees even on a 96 degree day!
Pulled back in the driveway and looked up under the car and sure enough drip, drip drip off the very bottom of the bellhousing. Got the car in the air again and this is what I found.
Oil sprayed down passenger sidefloor pan oil on my starter and starter wires. However looking up at the rear of the pan everything was completely clean and dry. I repainted the pan while it was off so I definately would have seen something. I am looking around the intake and although I see small puddles on the side ledges it is dry just below where the rear intake seal is. I have looked at the back corners of the VC's but don't see any evidence of leaking.

Whereever it is it only leaks when under load going down the road. The leak is not near as bad as it was before the gasket change and the pcv addition so that tells me that I did releive some of the pressure by adding the valve and probably getting that Valvoline 50wt oil out..

Any ideas? Soon as it cools down I am going to pull the VC. Would a leaking VC gasket spew only under pressure?


Take a mirror, and see if it's weeping at the back of the intake where it meets the china wall.
Thanks Bird. I have checked and the shelf below the wall is clean and there is no sign of it being wet. With as much blow out as it appears to be I would have thought that the firewall behind the china wall would be wet as well.

This is what is driving me nuts. oil all over but i can't see an origin.:hissyfit:
Thanks Bird. I have checked and the shelf below the wall is clean and there is no sign of it being wet. With as much blow out as it appears to be I would have thought that the firewall behind the china wall would be wet as well.

This is what is driving me nuts. oil all over but i can't see an origin.:hissyfit:

NOPE need look at the China wall directly along that ledge...and the dizzy mount too, clamp, etc...wonder if somehow that dizzy mount bolt is drilled through and it's being forced up that way....just a oddball thought.....

FWIW, if you find a leak there on the intake, it can be fixed without pulling the manifold....
FWIW, if you find a leak there on the intake, it can be fixed without pulling the manifold....

How???? Tell me more!!!! Please!!!

It's a sneaky little trick I tried long time ago, and it was VERY successful....

most SBC have a PVC on one valve cover, so put one on the other side too, and just temporarily Tee off the line to both of them...block ALL other air inputs to the crank case... if you can, hook a vac gauge to the crank case, not mandatory, but just for curiousity....

so after completely cleaning the entire area of the wall, I mean completely with lacquer thinner and a paint brush, OR GOOD petro chem based carb cleaner (I always finish off cleanings with that) for the final degreasing....

fire up the engine....listen for the incoming air hiss along the wall, you can hear it easy with a hose to your ear, OR a stethescope with the probe removed....easy to locate, just careful for your ears if using stethescope....

now when it's located, quickly spray some carb cleaner in the leak passage....not a whole damn ton of it, it will wind up in the crank case after all.... so when it's dry....start engine and very quickly put a finger dap of RTV black sensor safe from the small tubes into that passage, let it get sucked in a very brief instant, and kill engine, push more on the outside, and let set up overnight....

you CAN try just locating it, cleaning it, and then shoving the RTV in the passage with engine not running, but getting cleaner in there is hard without some vacuum assist....

I did the full description above and sealed that intake tighter than whale pussy, and that's waterproof....
