More aero stuff

In this old turbocharger book that I have, the author talks about cooling and he states that if you have a sealed duct directing air to the radiator that the opening of the duct only need to be about 1/3 the sq inches of the actual radiator to catch enough air to cool properly. True or false? I don't know. Mike is that what you are referring to as a diffuser? An opening thats smaller than the radiator to admit air but with increasing volume so as to let the air spread out as it moves to the radiator?

Yeah. I'm no expert, but it appears that the theory is to use the diffuser to spread the air (thereby slowing it down), and the resulting pressure rise from the slowed air will help distribute the air more evenly over the radiator surface. And, I assume, it's more efficient to use the pressure delta across the radiator to induce air flow through it rather than just the velocity of some air slamming into it.