replacing rear body mounts by rear wheels


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
arlington va
well having only one car in the garage these days lets me get focused pretty the rear body mounts by the back wheels have pretty much deterioated to hard is to replace these and what obstacles or challenges will i face? i am not sure exactly what the metal body mount is fastened to on the body is just riveted into the fiberglass from the outside or is there some mysterious pocket or channel i need to find to work on repalcing these? any body have thread they did on replacing these?

Karsten didnt you have a thread on these?

thks bob
here you go:

lots of photos.... the two rear mounts are actually the easiest of the eight. The other six are very likely in similar (bad) condition.

Don't buy the poly mounts unless a name brand company (Energy Suspension) makes them, my poly mounts did not last very long - just like all the other poly junk I installed....

I'm very likely going to order these to replace the no name China junk...
One of mine was rotted due to a mouse nest being built on top of it. I ended up replacing both. The aluminum rivets will snap in half with little pressure. I reinstalled mine with Liquid Nails and stainless screws/nuts in the rivet holes. I think I left the inward pair of holes open on both sides, they were too hard to get to. I replaced both of those capture nuts while I was at it, once again with stainless screws and nuts. The reinforcement doesn't seem to bottom out against the pocket, it fit fine with screw heads in there.

Fortunately the three pairs of capture nuts on the frame were in good shape, and got a nice coat of anti-seize when the new bolts went back in. For obvious reasons the #4 mounts got threadlocker blue instead. No sign of deterioration on the red ES mounts.
The biggest challenge I found when replacing mine was dealing with the cracks in the fiberglass at the mounting points. If your mounts have severely deteriorated, chances are there has been some stress applied to the fiberglass. Look carefully.
perfect that was exactly the thread i was thinking about..thanks...who says i am not as sharp as marshmellow anymore????

it looks to me from casual obsevation that i dont even have the metal bracket that is attached to the body any more. and my door is fitting funny in the back and i hear a pretty good clunk going over some bumps that i cant attribute to anything. it sounds like it is right behind me on the left side and i almost think it is the body bouncing on the frame. has anybody had to replace the actual metal bracketry on the body that the bushings attach to? the frame horns/tabs look fine at this point.