

Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
My son has completed his ASE first course on electric cars, 97% overall, with a slight rocky start now knowing a ohm from a volt and a few minits on the phone with me once in a while, no biggie, he aced his final with bonus questions at 104 and so was allowed into the advanced class #2.......

I got into some email and facebook discussions with him over electric cars....

I only know what I read in various forums, but am interested in electric cars because they can smoke tires into oblivion, silently.....:bounce: gotta be fun to drive one of them, instant torque, no transmissions....etc....

SO the question is for all you smart guys here.....which current offering on the market is the superior tech car, Volt, Prius, or ???? I not saying where Tom is on this YET.....

and why?? lets keep it to tech, not so much on silly styling or colors.....:huh:
How about Fisker, If you don't mind half a billion dollars of US taxpayer funding for jobs in Finland:

Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland

Maybe Tesla? Tesla got another half a billion of taxpayer money but at least they are assembled here. Probably using Chinese components.

Definitions: Government money = Taxpayer money + borrowed Chinese money

I saw on the news that we lent china something like 17.8 billion for humanitarian aid. 17.8 billion that we borrowed from them.....:smash:

Can I get some of that?

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