Well I am getting closer on several fronts. Still have a fuel issue though.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
I found my oil leak and it is at the back of the intake manifold... At least it is a simple fix. I am now running at a consistent 190 degrees on a hot day driving. Adding the t stat back in appears to have helped engine temps a good bit.

Today I took the car on a pretty long ride. It ran great untill the very end after I really got on it. The sucking air sound from the carb came back and I had to limp it home. The last 1\4 mile I let it die and coasted. I also killed the fuel pump. Once I made it in the driveway and turned the pump back on it fired right up and idled fine. i didn't however take it for another ride. When I put the electric pump on I removed the return line thinking I would not need it with the new pump. Well today I am going to hook that back up....

I really hope that this fixes it once and for all.

Now a dumb question. What would be the drill bit size equivalent to a .060 hole for the orfice of the return line???
