Grammatical Usage for the F word
Isn't fuck the most versatile word ever?
Fuck you, you fucking fuck!!!!
Yes it is .......For example
Grammatical Usage
In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories, making it one of the most versatile words in the English language.
It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Jane) and intransitive (John and Jane fucked). It can be an active verb (John fucked Jane) or a passive verb (Jane was fucked by John). Or an adverb (Jane is a fucking bastard) and a noun (Jane is a terrific fuck). It can be used as an adjective (Jane is fucking beautiful).
Further Structures
As you can see there are few words with the versatility of "fuck". Besides its sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations.
Greetings "How the fuck are you?"
Fraud "I was fucked by the McDonalds Drive Through."
Dismay "Oh, fuck it."
Trouble "Well, I guess I'm fucked again."
Aggression "Fuck you!!!"
Disgust "Fuck me!!!"
Confusion, Curiosity or Disbelief "What the fuck....?"
Difficulty "I don't understand this fucking thing."
Despair "Fucked again."
Good Job "Congratufuckinglations."
Desperation "Fuckityfuckfuckfuck."
Incompetence "He fucks up everything."
Disappointment "This fucking fucker is fucked."
Intelligence "He's a fucking genius."
Dismissal "Why don't you go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself?"
Displeasure "What the fuck is going on?"
Lost "Where the fuck are we?"
Disbelief "Unbefuckinglievable!!!"
Retaliation "Up your fucking ass!!!"
Laziness "He's just a fuck-off."
Pain "Fuck ! that hurt."
Pleasure "Oooooooh Fuuuuuuck"
Love "Do ya Fuck on first dates?"
Starting a relationship "Let's fuck now!"
Surprise "Fucking hell what was that?"
Admiration "Nice fucking tits!"
Stupid person "Dumbfuck!"
Hate "You Fuck!"
Condemnation "Fuck that shit!"
Disappointment "That's not fucking fair."
A poker hand "A Royal Fuck."
Ignorant person "Fuckstick."
Denial "I didn't fucking do it."
Perplexity "I know fuck all about it."
Apathy "Who gives a fuck" or "I don't give a fuck".
Confusion "What the fuck just happened?"
Resignation "Oh fuck it."
Suspicion "Who the fuck are you?"
Panic "Let's get the fuck out of here!"
Directions "Fuck off."
Sex "Let's fuck."
Maternal "Motherfucker."
Incestuous "Motherfucker."
Ambiguity "I'm not so fucking sure."
Agreement "Absofuckinglutely."
Questioning Authority "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Hypocrisy "Don't you dare fucking swear at me you fucking fucker."
Praising the Lord "Jesus Fucking Christ."
I have a headache "Go fuck yourself."
Refusal "Oh you can fuck right off."
Pissed off "Fuck the fucking fuckers!"
Be quiet "Shut the fuck up."
You're right "Fucking oath." (Australianism)
Ostentation "He's just bought a big, fuck-off Mercedes."
Sensuousness "She was wearing a pair of red leather, fuck-me boots."
Confidence "Fuckin' A."
Rage "Motherfucking fuckers!"
Impressed "That was fucking amazing."
Oral sex after 30 years of marriage "Fuck you!" (while passing each other in the hall)
Bewilderment or Ignorance "Fucked if I know."
Enraged "I'm gonna fuck you up!"
Annoyance "Fuck off, fucker."
Annoyance "For fuck's sake."
Pissed off "Fuck you, you fucking fuck."
Tardiness "It's ten-fucking-thirty already?"
Broken down motorcycle "Sir, the fucking fucker has fucked up on me.
Professional appraisal of mechanical failure "It's fucked."
Calling someone "Oy, fuck face!"
Minors "Fucklings."
Morons "Fucktards."
Completely naked Butthefucknaked
Thanks "Fuck you very much."
Useful Acronymns
These may come in handy when space is at a premium.
DILLIGAF Does It Look Like I Give A Fuck
FA Fuck All
FFS For Fuck's Sake
FIIK Fucked If I Know
FUBAR Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
GAGF Go And Get Fucked
GFY Go Fuck Yourself
GTFO Get The Fuck Out
HMFIC Head Mother Fucker In Charge
LMFAO Laughed My Fucking Ass Off
MILF Mum (Mom) I'd Like To Fuck
NFI No Fucking Idea
NMFP Not My Fucking Problem
RTFM Read The Fucking Manual
SNAFU Situation Normal All Fucked Up
WTF What The Fuck
Famous historical quotes
Never forget the words of these famous people.
General Custer Where did all them fucking Indians come from?
Mayor of Hiroshima "What the fuck was that?"
Captain of the Titanic "Where's all the fucking water coming from?"
Michelangelo "You want me to paint what on the fucking ceiling?"
Einstein "Any fucker could understand that."
Sean Penn "Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck"
John Lennon "Is that a real fucking gun?"
Donald Campbell "The fucking throttle is stuck."
Anne Boleyn "Heads are going to fucking roll."
Richard Nixon "Who's going to fucking know?"
Niki Lauda "I thought I could fucking smell petrol."
Mark Thatcher "What fucking map?"
Picasso "It does fucking look like her."
Christopher Columbus "Where the fuck are we?"
Michael Jackson "It's a fucking skin condition"
and more recently "I told you I didn't fucking fuck him!"
Pythagoras "How the fuck did you work that one out?"
Walt Disney "Fuck a duck."
Joan of Arc "I don't suppose it will fucking rain."
George Bush "Fcuk! I can't spell."
Miss Marples "I haven't got a fucking clue."
Noah "Scattered showers, my fucking arse."
Donald Trump "You're fucking fired!"
Judge Judy "Shut the fuck up!"
Paris Hilton "Fuck me."
Ronald Regan to the Pope "Yes it does fucking hurt."
Harold, Battle of Hastings 1066 "Watch him he'll have some fucker's eye out"
John F Kennedy "Who needs that fucking bubble top?"
John F Kennedy "I need this parade like I need a fucking hole in the head."
John F Kennedy Jr. "What's wrong with this fucking altimeter?"
Bill Clinton "I should have fucked her."
Bill Clinton "I didn't fucking inhale!"
Hurricane Katrina "Mardi Fuckin Gras this motherfuckers."
Leonardo da Vinci "Call that a fucking smile?"
Sir Walter Raleigh "That's another good cloak fucked!"
William Tell "Keep Fucking Still."