1975 body weight?


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
What is the weight of a 1975 coupe minus the doors, seats and T tops? need to buy a lift to remove the body. Thinking of using a block and tackle device attach to the sling.

not sure about a '75, but i know that a 70 weighs in at something like 650 pounds give or take a bit, so with the doors off not a whole lot less, but we picked it up with a heavy duty motor hoist, with some heavy (i think 1.5in width) ratchet straps. it's really at least a two man job, 4 would be alot better though. check everything twice to make sure it's a taken loose. good luck with the project, take pictures, lotsa pictures.

sam riley
i used a 3 ton cherry picker too, needed to extend the boom and load some ballast on the rear so it wouldn't tip over. I simply used chains bolted to the a pillars where the hinges go and some to the rear where the seat belts bolt down (both to floor and hoop).
Cherry picker, straps, tie the top door hinge to the door latch post spot with steel, if a convertible, and support the front nose, a line to the hook should be enough....bonding on the fenders may be weak, the rear should be ok....

most decent size engine hooks, say with a 5' boom on there should do fine....

rolling thunder has got some of when we lifted both his 71 and my 70 bodies off of the frames, i'll see if i can get him to post up some pictures of em swingin.


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