If you can't read it right click on the page (picture) and "safe as" ... then open that file with your photo viewer and zoom in until you can read it...
I read it. It says Dexcool is only good with an expnasion tank vs. overflow reservoir to insure all parts are immersed. Good point. My truck is set up that way.:crutches:
Interesting.I just received a letter in the mail yesterday to be part of a class action law suit against DexCool,seems as though its hard on the coolant system :twitch:
Actually, it's a waste of time to read the letter. In a class action suit, the origional complaintants and the lawyers get the vast majority of the money, right off the top. Then, if anyone else joins, and if there is any money left after expenses, they get a piece of the remaining pitance. So, you might get $.73 for your $.33 stamp. The only good that I can think of these in these situations is that the guilty party is damaged. But, the compensation goes mostly to the shysters and not to the people who were hurt.