Street roll bar failure on a race track.


Mar 23, 2008

Just something to think about when leaving the proper bracing out of a roll bar. This was a bolt in four point street bar. Rest of the pictures below.
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Yea,, plating and bracing is very important.

This bar most likely took 5 times the hit. Its the guys that pancaked off Pikes Peak.

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awesome post, though, I have a friend who's been reluctant to install a good cage. He's changed his mind

so thanks for the post, it is an awesome warning.
"bolt in roll cage"...
just because they make it (and sell it), it doesn`t make it right.

reason #1 to have a safe, SCCA legal WELDED IN cage...I was in this race and know almost all these guys, no one got seriously injured.
I love Hallett and know exactly where that runoff happened. How was the driver?

"The amazing part about the whole ordeal is the driver and passenger were not injured in the wreck."

Yea, amazing since they where both in 4 point harness. I think it happen in 09.

Somewhere, in the GCR there is a guide line on the weight your bar must be able to support. And its just a starting point. See if I can find it.

Here another because of no bracing. Simple X bracing would have prevented this.

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Floor boards are thin anyway. Then drill four holes close together to mount the bar. Weakens it even more.
"bolt in roll cage"...
just because they make it (and sell it), it doesn`t make it right.

reason #1 to have a safe, SCCA legal WELDED IN cage...I was in this race and know almost all these guys, no one got seriously injured.

Is there not a yellow C2 roadster buried under the white T/A? The video shows how hard these guys hit. But for some reason, it always gets taken down. Saw most of the incar videos.

Glad you qualified in front of this. How did they handle the finish of the race? Or just called it done.
Floor boards are thin anyway. Then drill four holes close together to mount the bar. Weakens it even more.

just for the record, I completely agree

I don't know if this is true, so I'll ask - are there SCCA classes that require bolt-in cages? I thought there were some that allowed bolt in, but required?
Floor boards are thin anyway. Then drill four holes close together to mount the bar. Weakens it even more.

just for the record, I completely agree

I don't know if this is true, so I'll ask - are there SCCA classes that require bolt-in cages? I thought there were some that allowed bolt in, but required?

No. Showroom Stock, can use a bolt in or weld in. Production can use a bolt in cage or weld in as well. other classes weld in. The key is the size of the mounting plates. plates must be 3/16 if bolted in and .080 if welded in. The plates can be up to 100 sq inches. When ever possible the plates shall extend onto a section fo the structure,,(rocker box)
Is there not a yellow C2 roadster buried under the white T/A? The video shows how hard these guys hit. But for some reason, it always gets taken down. Saw most of the incar videos.

you can`t see it in this shot but yes the yellow 67 BB convert hit the white w/blue stripes trans-Am so hard the T/A went up in the air 10 feet.
"bolt in roll cage"...
just because they make it (and sell it), it doesn`t make it right.

reason #1 to have a safe, SCCA legal WELDED IN cage...I was in this race and know almost all these guys, no one got seriously injured.

Whew!! A whole lot of money got flushed down the toilet that day! :clobbered:
"bolt in roll cage"...
just because they make it (and sell it), it doesn`t make it right.

reason #1 to have a safe, SCCA legal WELDED IN cage...I was in this race and know almost all these guys, no one got seriously injured.

Whew!! A whole lot of money got flushed down the toilet that day! :clobbered:

with the exception of the butterscotch Boss 302 that got lifted off the pile by the roof I believe everything else got repaired.