Bad news from home...


Clueless In Sandland
Mar 24, 2008
Aussie expat in Saudi Arabia
Just a head's up guys. I received some bad news from home today and I'm out of here tonight on emergency leave for about a week.

Not that I'm inundated with pm's or anyone asking specifically for my input on the technical side, but if you don't see me around or I don't answer a pm, that's why - I haven't left.
Just saw this thread.............:confused:
Hope all turns out well...........:thumbs:
Hope that everything is ok!Is there anything that we can do to help??
Hi guys, I'm back in the Land of Sand.

My dad had been sick for some time but he took a sudden turn for the worse last week. My sisters contacted me out here and I flew home as soon as I could. Unfortunately though, dad passed away a few hours before I got home.

Thanks for your kind words and offers of help, I appreciate it.
Truly sorry to hear that......about 5 years ago I lost
both of my parents within 6 months of each other.
1st was expected (cancer) ..... 2nd was not (heart attack).

My condolences to you and your family Wayne.
