Did we loose a Corvette brother?

yeah 2 dead from frontal collision. That is Roger/Customvettes car, both drivers were killed. I fear he is no longer with us :(:twitch::eek:

I just checked, police reports state it was him, he was overtaking someone and hit the oncoming mazda.

Apparently he was blinded by the glaring sun:

That sucks but look at that road. It is not the kind of place to be going fast or overtaking another car on. The road only has one lane per side and no shoulder. Too bad he paid the ultimate price for a bad decision. lets hope if there is a heaven that we get our cars back (in 1 piece) and he's back to driving.

I saw pics of his car. The interior was spectacular.
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The continuous white line means no overtaking, it's there for a reason. Sad that the other guy (25) lost his life too. The whole car was spectacular. Don't care for the stereo stuff but the car was meticulous all over and a real piece of art.
Life sure is mysterious. Here was a guy who obviously put in loads of time and thought into building a magnificent C3 vette, only to make a split second bad decision and lose it all, including his life. The best place to prove your manhood is not in a car but rather, under the sheets, where the worst that can happen is getting winded or being abandoned.
I drive a truck for a living and people that overcome me even with a kind of road like that it's a situation I encounter way too many times.
I saw people get hurt real bad and even get killed like that over the years.
Motorcycles, cars trucks do it a lot and the tragedy is that most of the times the oncoming traffic is the victim. He or she has no chance to react.
I dont know what happened and wont judge because we dont know if it's a case of careless driving or lack of attention but it does happen too often.

The solid white line is a big no no.

I feel for the families involved.
Not to criticize the poor guy but it is ironic that he was so patient and meticulous in his build but so reckless in his driving of the finished car. It makes me wonder if the story we have received is true or not. Who were the witnesses? Maybe it was not his fault at all.
Official police report, his car is on the wrong side of the road and he was passing someone so there must be a witness. Police reports are usually accurate info.

As for the "road like that", most roads here are like that. However, when there's an uninterrupted line it's there for a reason.
I remember one time in a motocross race, I did a jump and my front tire landed in a hole, which stopped all forward momentum. I woke up with people above me and with a neck brace on. In fact, I was completely unaware of what happened until somebody who saw it, told me. Afterward, I told myself, this would be the best way to die; no suffering, no pain. Of course, I had only knocked myself out. Hopefully his situation was so quick that he did not feel a thing. It was a tragedy for sure, but I hope it was quick and he was not aware of what even happened.

I'm not completely doubting the info but I find it odd that somebody who was so meticulous with his car would do something like that. I would have to see the specifics in the police report to believe it (not that my opinion matters about what happened).

P.S. Some of you sub-literate buffoons need to stop spelling "lose" with two o's. Loose is what your women are and lose is what happens to a misguided turtle when he takes on a battle he cannot possibly handle.
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You can't even speak one paragraph without insulting somebody, can you?
Must be a bummer to have such low self-esteem...

Yes, Dr. Phil, I take quite a whipping at home. To get this thread back on topic, does anybody have info from the police report or a news article that more specifically states information about a witness? Why has it been determined that he attempted a reckless pass? What is the basis of this conclusion?
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So how long did it take to get the cars off the road? The reason I ask is because of some discrepancies I've noticed between the picture in this thread and the ones posted over at DC. Cars are in different positions, and seem to be nearer to the "Y" in the night time pics.

It's truly sad that something like this happened and I'm sure we've all had some close calls, I know I have, fact of the matter is, Roger didn't see the other car. I know, I know, he shouldn't have been passing in the first place right? Yeah well the speed limit is there for a reason too, most of us break that every day. We all take a risk when we choose to go out for a "spirited" drive or do something risky but this actually puts the risky decisions into perspective.

That was a nice 'vette and, while I didn't know him, judging from some of his posts, Roger was a nice guy, it just sucks that it ended like this, but at least he left this world driving the car that he loved, I wouldn't mind the same ending if it absolutely HAS to happen.
The pic in the newspaper is right after the crash when the ambulance was there. I think Roger is still in the car even (note the white sheet). They had to be cut out by the fire brigade, the pics in the dark are from after that. Notice how the door has been removed and such.

This wasn't just a nice vette, it was a work of art. it was the 2nd time he built it, it was previously 2 sahfes of blue with alrge pintail wheels. The car has been featured in mags here quite a bit.
I wrote "road like that" didn't mean to insult anybody, it was a bad translation word to word from french.
Here in Québec we also have "roads like that" and I like them much more than the Interstates because as a trucker I spend too much time on them.

But when I saw the pics of the accident, sorry but the Vette was at fault in this case. I did some time (another bad translation sorry) in an accident reconstruction team and seen that too often.
Solid no passing line was crossed and the hit was head on. They were probably traveling about the same speed (not as fast as you would think) because after the hit they stayed right there, the other car rearend lifted and went to the left because he was in a curve + dont see any hard braking from the Vette (who we know didnt have ABS) from what I read was blinded from the sun. He probably changed lane fast because the other driver who was 25 by the way never had time to react and probably saw him come since the sun was behind him.

When I write, a lot of time and I have to translate and sometimes if I go too fast I'll translate word to word and it wont come out too good.
so I'll do that from time to time. I apologize.
Also it doesn't mean I'm "sub-literate buffoon" for it
roads like that was taken out of glassbowties post ;) and it was just my attempt at illustrating to the US guys that what they think is a narrow road is actually a normal road for us, where most pople in fact overtake.
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