50 dollar paint job challenge....


Apr 28, 2010
let's go get some rustoleum enamel and see what colors can be mixed up using the basic colors that are available at home depot or somewhere. I think I am going to work on Green apple. Called my local paint guru today and he told me that they actually make enamel clear, never would have thought it. One thing though, if you mix up a color you have to post the recipe, that way everyone benefits from it. Pics are mandatory. We will let an unbiased layperson be the judge of the custom colors. Whichever color is chosen, i will paint my project car with it........how's that for a payoff...
I have read all the articles on it. I am interested in creativity here. i don't think I will roll it on, but i am going to give it a shot.
Rustoleum will work but with very cheap urethane paint on the market (both single stage and base/clear) I wonder why you would use it.... in my opinion, the ONLY reason is if you don't want to spray and use a roller instead. Obviously rolling it will not produce any overspray but wetsanding will be very messy and labor intensive.

You can get single stage urethane paint from Summit for under $100 a gallon, I think it's like $80 plus activator and thinner....maybe $120 shipped...

here's the paint:
I have this old primarily white camper from '71, it's going to be painted, and with Rustoleum white, and so it seems Acetone thinner, top/sides/steel/aluminum/fiberglass, ALL of it....except the obvious parts....

going to take some coats to cover the orange, unless wife wants black accents....

happening sometime in the next few months....sooner the better....

as for the vette, I dun messed that up enough....it is what it IS and not another ounce of effort....piss on it...

gets noticed and thumbs up as a even 10-10 car.....so that's plenty good enough for me....


I am curious as to what transpires on this thread, though....

ok lets go ahead and get this out of the way. I have the skills and funds required to paint this car with anything I choose to. I have a downdraft paint booth in my shop. I owned a body shop and when I sold the business I kept the booth. I can apply the highest quality paint job to this car that is possible with todays PPG paints and modern chemistry. I am CHOOSING to paint this car with rustoleum. I have seen (in person) 2 vehicles painted in this fashion and can tell you it is stunning. i openly invite anyone to judge the two that I have seen against anyones paint job, and I think you will be surprised at the outcome. So lets stop with the low cost alternatives using different methods. I thought this would be an interesting way to get some folks involved and interested in having fun with a car again. It is just a car! I am very tempted to paint this car gloss black and park it next to my 79 that has the best paint that money will buy. Then a real comparison can be made. Some people cannot get past the idea that if it doesn't cost a lot of money it can't be good. People who can't do for themselves have paid for two of my houses and lots of cars over the years, I want to do this to see if I can do it and make the paint nazi's scratch their heads.

Now then..........I started playing with this earlier today and got a very nice lime green from the sunshine yellow and navy blue. I went a little too far though, I wanted something more like a green apple. try again tomorrow. snakeater
:lol: I LOVE your attitude man, this should be good, all I did was shoot the car in the garage, and somehow the chemistry fucked me good, dunno how or why, just did....

at any rate, I wonder how to introduce a metallic into the paint.....may as well go full hog....I know from years ago it was possible to buy powdered aluminum from a chemical supply house, it WAS fine enough for metallic paint additive....

but that was decades ago before idiots started making bombs, our bombs were safe enough.....

:lol: I LOVE your attitude man, this should be good, all I did was shoot the car in the garage, and somehow the chemistry fucked me good, dunno how or why, just did....

at any rate, I wonder how to introduce a metallic into the paint.....may as well go full hog....I know from years ago it was possible to buy powdered aluminum from a chemical supply house, it WAS fine enough for metallic paint additive....

but that was decades ago before idiots started making bombs, our bombs were safe enough.....


You can still buy metallic solids and perals to add in paint...comes in all colors and sizes..I have used the metalics but never the perals so can't speak for them...the metalics do work nice with the right size spray tip..
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If I do end up shooting a clear enamel over whatever color I choose, then they could be added to it very easily. Adding them to the basecoat expecting to have to wetsand it kinda tricky. You will inevitably sand some of the metallics in it, which look kinds wierd until they are sanded out. Not the best idea. Metallics in the clear will work just fine with this style of paint. Pearls would do well in the enamel(I think) have to try some. I have some PPG pearl around here somewhere. Snakeater
I bought some pearl and flakes that can be added to the clearcoat from paintwithpearls on Ebay, good stuff....

If you use clear enamel, would you still wetsand the basecoat ? I would add the flakes to the first clearcoat, then topcoat at least another two coats so that there's enough material for sanding and buffing without exposing the flakes... depends on flake size as well...
That's what I was trying to figure out. Which would be the best solution to that problem. Most likely i will apply basecoat, wetsand, then apply the clear to the smooth surface with the metallics or pearls in it. Should only require buffing then, so as not to expose any of the flake. Pearls can be added to the base coat and wetsanded. My thinking is something like this; 3 even coats of base color,wetsand,2 thin coats of clear/metallic,2 coats of clear only and wetsand buff as needed. That should do the trick. that is if i decide to use an enamel clear, never played with it before.
If you spray it you should not need to wetsand the base. I would think that it sprays just like other enamel or urethane paints, it might run a little more since it will take a lot of thinner and it might take a lot longer to cure since it does not use activactor....
I will hope hard on not having to wet sand the base. Never shot enamel so I don't know how it lays, I may run the hell out of it and have to wetsand.LOL. guy that taught me how to paint used to say " some shoot paint as dry as powder and some run it in the floor, I try to do get somewhere in between those two". He was a funny old man ( a bastard) but funny.:rofl:
Don't paint your Corvette with that swingset paint. You can buy real urethane paint with the primer for a few hundred dollars.

If you want to try the rustoleum, try it on your daily driver or some other cheap project. But don't spray it on a Vette.
While I do not plan on using Rustoleum I am interested in learning more about your project. Could you post some pics as you go along? I will most likely be stripping, prepping and painting my '79 in the driveway sometime soon.
be glad to post pics of it. I am looking for a rear bumper cover before i can start on it. anyone got one laying around to donate? I need it for an 81. After that it is a go. My Hood should be here in the next few days. Got the new wheels and roller tires on it the other day and it sure looks sweet. May post a pic of it later as it sits. snakeater
be glad to post pics of it. I am looking for a rear bumper cover before i can start on it. anyone got one laying around to donate? I need it for an 81. After that it is a go. My Hood should be here in the next few days. Got the new wheels and roller tires on it the other day and it sure looks sweet. May post a pic of it later as it sits. snakeater

You should know this, since you keep crying about wetsanding. I just sprayed my boat with urethane and my Neon with Rustoleum the day after using the same gun, the Rustoleum makes way more orange peel.

You will most likely need to color sand and buff your entire vette with the Rustoleum.
Rustoleum will work but with very cheap urethane paint on the market (both single stage and base/clear) I wonder why you would use it.... in my opinion, the ONLY reason is if you don't want to spray and use a roller instead. Obviously rolling it will not produce any overspray but wetsanding will be very messy and labor intensive.

You can get single stage urethane paint from Summit for under $100 a gallon, I think it's like $80 plus activator and thinner....maybe $120 shipped...

here's the paint:

Yes, agree.

The $100 you save will definitely go into buying several books of sand paper, a few days of your time, polishing compound and a buffing pad.

Also, the Rustoleum does not thin consistently. And I'll bet your gun shoots like a firehose when you fill the cup up for the 2nd time, unexpectedly, leaving a few nice runs.
That's the point I was trying to make.... if there was a $800 difference between rustoleum and some cheap single stage paint the by all means yes, go for the rustoleum..... nowadays it's not $800 but maybe $80 difference in the material....
While I appreciate guys taking on a challenge - and I do like the idea of a cheap paintjob boggling some people's minds..... (I just painted my Mustang for under $200) ... if you can get a gallon of paint incl activator for $120 there really isn't much sense in using $50 paint that is meant to be used on your fence..... without activator it'll take a while to fully cure.... Florida sun might help :-)
i appreciate the topic of this post being twisted and turned into something that is not even close to the origional post. Obviously reading is also optional. Not once did I ask anyone if this was a good idea, or should I do it, or what do you guys think about painting my car with rustoleum? I simply wanted a little fun and creativity with cheap paint colors. I UNDERSTAND that there are much better ways to paint a car. I OWNED A BODY SHOP! So please for the love of god stop with the 100 reasons why some other paint is a better choice, that's not what I asked. For the last time, I am painting this car with rustoleum because I want to, not because I can't afford to paint it with something else or don't have the skill to do it. I don't care what your opinion is about me doing it, only what color. I plan to park this car with rustoleum next to my 69 firebird in my shop with a 10k paint job, then let the chips fall where they may. This car will be a toy, not a show car, but I am going to do everythig in my power to make the enamel look great, and piss a few people off in the process.