Most members online today

I appreciate this post. I would like to state for the record that it is YOU guys who make the difference.
A forum is only as good as the sum of the whole, and YOU guys have made this place what it is today.
So, here's to today, and the brighter future, for the best is yet to come.:beer::beer::beer::beer:

Remember to vote for the VetteMOD! CLICK HERE to vote for the best site around :) :1st:
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Everybody here is doing an awesome job and this is already one of the top sources for Corvette related info although this forum is only a few weeks young... A big thank you to Marck, Larry and Jeff and also to everyone who is contributing :thumbs:
I come here to get a smart attack every day,, People and the information have been more than helpful,,, thank you to those who make this possible.

Everybody here is doing an awesome job and this is already one of the top sources for Corvette related info although this forum is only a few weeks young... A big thank you to Marck, Larry and Jeff and also to everyone who is contributing :thumbs:

DITTO, thanks guys.....when I want to know something, I come here....

I go to the other sites for 'entertainment'.....:ghost::stirpot:
I appreciate this post. I would like to state for the record that it is YOU guys who make the difference.
A forum is only as good as the sum of the whole, and YOU guys have made this place what it is today.
So, here's to today, and the brighter future, for the best is yet to come.:beer::beer::beer::beer:

Remember to vote for the VetteMOD! CLICK HERE to vote for the best site around :) :1st:

Hell, we're #8.:yahoo:
We got entertainment!....:trumpet: What about Dep, turtle, saudivette, ......and oh by the way, you do a good job keeping me :bonkers:.....:D


Hey Sharker.....someone gotta do it.....otherwilst you get tyred....
