Recent content by 1Michel

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    Made in France

    Hey Denis, I hope that your's an Kathleen family is ok in France
  2. 1

    Nice but I dont think I'll go for that $$$$
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    Mr Guldstrand
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    Cool 3D rendering,

    I wish this guy would do a C3
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    Another birdcage project,

    Hey check this one out, I did the birdcage on a C3 but C2 are a bit different but still rusty..
  6. 1

    F1 changes explained

    Pretty good vid
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    Bangkok youre not alone

    Hey Dean, do you know this guy? Looks like he's in your area.
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    Toyota 4runner booster and master

    Because I had one in the garage, and I was curious, Bore size was a bit smaller anyway But hey , free parts. friend of mine took his truck in and we dismanteled it, the motor and tranny was shot and before he send it to wreck I took a bunch of parts off of it. Since it was in the shop, I was...
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    I like those short videos,
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    Relocating E-Brake handle

    That where it was in the truck right over the right knee, making a bracket to hold this is fairly easy, but not sure if theres enough room there
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    Relocating E-Brake handle

    Would something like that fit under the dash? Still cable operated , this came off a Toyota 4Runner
  12. 1

    Toyota 4runner booster and master

    Just curious, I was asked if this booster and master cyl would do the job on a C3 It comes from a Toyota 4 Runner wich is I would guess heavyer than the C3. Would that do the job?
  13. 1

    Carbon fiber filler

    I was watching an episode of Wheeler dealer and they are respraying a Corvette C2 At 31,06 in the episode the body guy is applying what he called ''carbon fiber filler'' and he seems to cover a lot of real estate on the car with this stuff.. Anybody...
  14. 1

    Fexex hot rod

    Hummmm, I had one of those COE Freightliner, never tought about converting my old truck like this....
  15. 1

    Dog torture (calm down, it's a joke)