Found out that a number of them among which DrRebuild won't ship to Europe. So, I guess I'm left with Corvette Cental or Ecklers. Don't know which one is worse.
Long time since I've been here. Long story, that I will spare you.
I need parts and went to my old source Paragon Corvette. Seems they were sold Corvette Central.
Who is the now go to source for quality parts (close to original)?
Quid question as I never had to do this before on a C3, but how difficult is it to pull the heads of an engine while still in the car. I have a bit my concerns around the bolts on the driver side and especially right below the brake booster.
For tech inspection I need to put my original engine back together and bring it back to original specs.
I was looking over the inventory on several parts houses, but it seems that since I last had to get parts from them their inventory for C3 parts has gotten a lot smaller. Am I wrong?
Since 2018 they have progressively required oldtimers to go to tech inspection. My car was up for the inspection this year.
They refused the cars on the grounds that it is not original anymore (not according to its certificate of conformity) as it has a fuel injection system on it.
By now about...
Just to update you guys :
I've ordered an adjustable throwout bearing from Novak ( and did the math to see how long I needed to make the bearing. It still required several tries and taking the trans out in order to get close to a working...
That's really interesting. My car originally was an automatic, but they changed it to manual. Maybe I have a different Z-bar. hm
edit : I checked some more and it seems that all bb and sb cars after 66 have the same Z-bar with a center to center length on the link of 4 1/4" which is what I have...
Ok, I disconnected the rod that went to the fork still leaving the pedal rod in the current adjustment. I then pushed the TO bearing to touch the fingers and scribed a mark on the fork and bellhousing. I then reconnected and voila the TO bearing is clearly in contact with the fingers all the...
I already noted that the bellhousing opening was too short, so I already cut mine, but it only helps with the movement of the TO to the back (engaged) position. It doesn't do anything for the disengaged position.
I had to replace my clutch but I seem to have some problems with getting it setup properly and especially the combination of release bearing free play and play in the clutch when disengaged.
The clutch in question is a Mcleod Prostreet clutch. I'm using one of their steel flywheels and a...
At highway speeds I have the issue that the exhaust is causing too much interior noise to comfortably listen to the radio.
Now the engine has a dual exhaust system with a straight through type bullet style muffler in the middle and 2 straight through magnaflows in the rear. Exhaust sound in...