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  1. Geoff Coenen

    How about these "Government" Jobs ?

    Run the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) $10,400,000.00 a year - yes 10 million Run SoCalifonia Water Dept $750,000.00 a year and let the city burn down Many Public School Superintendents $300,000.00 a year - and the more money they pay these slugs - the worse the Reading and Math scores. WTF...
  2. Geoff Coenen

    TIPS of the Day

    Watch for blackish (fuel), bluish (oil) or whitish (coolant) smoke coming out of the tailpipe. 11 Days to the Common Sense Adults Being in Charge PS I already lost where I read that first aphorism - I cannot take credit for it. The politicians gutted the neighborhood my warehouse is Iocated...
  3. Geoff Coenen

    Jan 1, 2025

    I emailed this to a few friends and business associates. Happy New Year And Belated Christmas - Hanukkah Greetings New Years Eve Had a home made Surf and Turf. Artificially Raised Shrimp (?) and Grass Fed Steak (?) with Rice, Fried Green Peppers, Onions, Green Beans. Started with Cherry Tomato...
  4. Geoff Coenen

    What goes around ...

    Remarkable "discovery" of how to make plastic from wood chips, organic debris - not using oil. Wait a minute - my 56-62 and 63-67 Corvettes have wood chip plastic heater cases and ducts - is...
  5. Geoff Coenen

    Any music lovers ?

    I have this album - turn it up and gloat for the goat
  6. Geoff Coenen

    WANTED: Mega Leaf Blower

    I am a born New Englander - Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring To a Better Tomorrow
  7. Geoff Coenen


    Extraordinary PROGRESS SINCE BIDEN-HARRIS TOOK OFFICE Gas: +50.5% Electricity: +31.7% Fuel oil: +49.1% Airfare: +22.6% Hotels: +51.2% Groceries: +21.6% Eating out: +23% Baby food: +30.1% K-12 food: +65.5% Rent: +22% Talkings about increases – cooking the BOOKS – 818,000 phony Jobs on paper...
  8. Geoff Coenen

    Power Steering Cylinder Grommet Bullshit

    More BS from a few “respected” Corvette part suppliers. I noticed over seven years ago that the 2 round Cushions that mount on the small rods protruding at the bottom of a 1961-1972 Aluminum Radiator were being also marketed as PS Cylinder rod round Grommets. Although they have a superficial...
  9. Geoff Coenen

    A boring Old Wives Tail (Not a Tale)

    I read this CF thread – A fellow from Germany with a C3 tripower is looking for a set of Kormetal style gaskets. Those were marketed by Holley, for 2 barrel Holley carbs – Holley part number 108-9 –...
  10. Geoff Coenen

    Pittsburgh Parts-a-Rama

    In 1977 we drove from Connecticut on Route 80 across Pennsylvania to south of Pittsburgh – (are we there yet) to the 1st Annual Pittsburg Parts-a-Rama. This was around the beginning of the East Coast large old car part swap meets. At that time I only had Corvette parts from boned out wrecked...
  11. Geoff Coenen

    Fornicate TAXES

    Fornicate Taxes I'm so fed up with taxes – Federal Income Tax, State Income Tax, State Sales Tax, Property Tax on Motor Vehicles, Trailers, Boat Trailers (not Boats), Tax on Phone Bill, Tax on Internet, Tax on Interest, Tax on Dividends, Gasoline Tax, Diesel Tax, Estate Tax. It's endless and...
  12. Geoff Coenen

    NCRS - Nostalgia Chinese Reproduction Syndicate

    NCRS NEWS: On the ncrs chat room June 28, 2024 a member Stephen Braley (60705) has requested recommendations for 1972 Wiper Arms – Quote "Looking for a "GOOD" set of wipers arms for a 72. Bought a set from a parts dealer and there really cheap in construction (water tubes)." So far it all...
  13. Geoff Coenen

    Stephen Michael Lynch (RIP) 101st Airborne

    Stephen Michael Lynch (RIP) 101st Airborne June 3, 1948 – June 24, 2014 This has been another sad Memorial Day. My cousin Steve and I were close growing up. We lived together on a farm outside Middletown, NY and no more than a quarter apart until I went away to college. Even though he was...
  14. Geoff Coenen

    Living with Nature

    My humble abode is surrounded by 350+ acres of trees, wetland, woods. I like the privacy and have had many species visiting. Monday Tax Day 3:15 PM a bobcat wanders past our deck and behind the detached garage. Compared to our 50 lb dog, this kitty was maybe 60 lb+ Tuesday April 16 at...
  15. Geoff Coenen

    Gaston Glock R.I.P. (July 19, 1929-Dec 27,1994)

    I just read of his passing. In the 1980's several of my customers were Bridgeport, CT Police Officers. On their late night shift patrolling Section Green 34 where my warehouse was located they would see the lights on in my warehouse and stop by. Even back then it was not a safe area and they...
  16. Geoff Coenen

    What did you get for Christmas?

    I got a box of Ferrero Rocher Chocolate and Hazel Nut candies and box of Entemann's special Chocolate cookies - 10 different kinds in a metal box my wife will find a use for. Also a Waffle Maker - I love them with Maple Syrup. And a pack of half a dozen new socks. Plus Victor Davis Hanson's book...
  17. Geoff Coenen

    Ferrari - the movie

    Coming out Christmas Day - the following article reveals several flattering and unflattering parts of his life. Apparently he was quite a cocksman with the ladies. Based on Brock Yates book. If I was not married and already fed up with paying property tax on real estate and my cars I'd buy a 458...
  18. Geoff Coenen

    EV News

    Fox and MSN reports around 1000 of the 2000 USA Buick dealers nationwide have given up their Buick franchise rather than spend around $300,000 to install the infrastructure to service EV's and train personnel. Also Consumer Reports says that EV's have 80% more problems than ICE models. Geeze...
  19. Geoff Coenen

    QUOTE: Great News

    Just received an email from Auto Accessories of America regarding prices - as follows "Price Schedule Update Great news! Our automated monthly price schedules have been updated to include all of the great products found at, affording you the ability to now offer...
  20. Geoff Coenen

    Jerry Kohn – Dec 27,1943 - Sept 8, 2023

    Jerry Kohn – Dec 27,1943 - Sept 8, 2023 I first met Jerry Kohn the founder of Corvette Central at the Carlisle, PA fall and spring events in the mid 1970's – we were in space J160 or so and he was in J50 or so. Swap meets were then the primary sources for parts and everything old Corvette...