Search results for query: *

  1. SmokeyVette

    Knock Knock!!!

    I tell ya, it never fails, it NEVER freakin' fails, just when you get one persistent problem lined out another one rears it's ugly head. I've got a knock, using the screwdriver-to-the-ear method, we've determined that it's in cylinder 1 or 3. It's a double-knock, not real loud yet but constant...
  2. SmokeyVette

    Electrical Gurus needed!

    I'm having a problem with my headlights. First, the dims quit working, I thought it was the broken dimmer switch but it turns out that it wasn't. I've been driving around with brights only (I re-aimed them so they wouldn't be as bad) when I NEEDED to drive her at night, but now the brights...
  3. SmokeyVette

    Ignition Problem Has Me Stumped! HELP!!!

    Here's my problem: Recently (less than a month ago) I installed an MSD Streetfire HEI Distributor. That has been the only mod that I've done in a LONG time. I set the timing and then drove the car DAILY for about two weeks. I figured I'd give the car a rest and do some minor tweaking to the...
  4. SmokeyVette

    Custom Headlights

    I'm in the process of installing F.I.A. style headlights on my '77. They are the same type that Sadistic has on his C3. My only problem is that I can't find any backing plates or adjusters, I've tried searching for every possibility of anything associated with headlights and am coming up with...
  5. SmokeyVette

    Carb Question

    Ok, so all mods should be listed below, in my sig. I'm looking for more pull up top, when I'm in town playing light to light (theoretically:D) I pull just about anyone off the line if I get traction, but when I'm running through the actual quarter (no time as of yet) everyone seems to catch me...
  6. SmokeyVette

    Heat Related Stutter

    Ok, I feel really stupid asking this as I like to pride myself on how well I handle problems but I just can't get a handle on this one. First off, the basics: My Holley fuel pump flows 80 GPH. My Performer carb is a 600 CFM unit with .392 jets and the metering rod numbers are 6842...
  7. SmokeyVette

    Click Click Click

    Ok, so maybe I'm an idiot and don't know much about my diff. Last Summer I had to replace all of the little bolts that hold the clutch pack to the ring gear, because one bolt head had snapped off but didn't cause any visual damage other than cosmetic blemishes on the other bolt heads (which...
  8. SmokeyVette

    Another New Guy

    I am enjoying seeing some familiar screen names, y'all may not recognize mine as it's different than what I normally use. Looks like a pretty cool place, I think I will like it here.:nuts: -Caged