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  • Users: SmokinBBC
  • Content: Threads
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  1. SmokinBBC

    Good Bad and Ugly

    One of my all time favs
  2. SmokinBBC

    Jeff Gordon

  3. SmokinBBC

    I Love the Olympics but

    I find myself rooting for the team that plays against LeBron, Kobi and the millionaire whiner's USA basketball:banned:
  4. SmokinBBC

    Obama-Anyone know if this is true?

    .Only 3 Times...Only 3 In all the years since D-Day, there are only three occasions when the president failed to go to the D-Day Monument that honors the soldiers killed during the Invasion. The occasions were: 1. Barack Obama 2010 2. Barack Obama 2011 3. Barack Obama 2012 For the past...
  5. SmokinBBC

    Willwood D8

    VanSteel has a promo on the D8-6 front, D8-4 rear combo if anyone is looking.
  6. SmokinBBC

    Gov Brown and JP Morgan

    Interesting perspective: California Gov. Jerry Brown is worse than JP Morgan's CEO Jamie Dimon By Michelle Selesky Published May 15, 2012 With the startling news last week of JP Morgan Chase’s $2 billion trading loss and the attention the bank has earned in the fallout from...
  7. SmokinBBC

    Briggs and Stratton Governor

    Anyone familiar with B&S mechanical governor? I fired up my generator and with choke wide open the motor went full throttle. Didn't go down to idle. The governor stays wide open. No movement whatsoever. It is a mechanical governor. Hooked up properly...springs, etc. Is it possible...
  8. SmokinBBC

    Build your own Camber Strut Rods vs VBP

    Need to replace my VBP poly strut I was doing a comparison of making my own with parts from Speedway versus the VBP Racing strut rods. I'm not trying to bash VBP setup, just trying to make a comparison. Without actually knowing what componants that VBP uses, I'm making the...
  9. SmokinBBC

    Oil Catch Can

    I've been thinking about this for a while...checked many reasons for and against for a non-turbo application....basically an inline pcv system filter. The main reason was some oil loss and detonation. Oil has no antiknock characteristics and I wanted to keep the pcv air flow ( crank...
  10. SmokinBBC

    Aluminum Bracket

    I need to make a bracket. Plan on using 1/8 or 3/16 aluminum. Bracket will be approx 3 1/2 " wide on top and 1" on the bottom...about 4 to 5 " tall. I will need to do some cutting and shaping. All I have is your typical garage mech. tools. Saws/grinders, etc. What would be the best alum to...
  11. SmokinBBC

    Ammeter ?

    Turned on the headlights and the ammeter went into negative territory....not much, just a couple degrees and stayed there. After startup cranking it goes positive a a few degrees and goes strait up after a couple of minutes. Hooked up the multimeter. headlights off, needle is strait up...
  12. SmokinBBC

    Y'all love to fish?
  13. SmokinBBC

    Not my lucky day.

    Looking for an exhaust leak....this is what I find.
  14. SmokinBBC

    Air Filters

    Whats better and who uses which filters on a street performance engine? The el cheapo 7 bucks wix/purolater/STP type filters. The little more expensive el cheapo filters (15 to 20 bucks). Or the K&N type pricey rechargeable filters.
  15. SmokinBBC

    Jumping Timing Mark

    Been discussed a million times over the years. This is really starting to bug me. After I replaced the failed bronze distributor gear, I was getting the good ole wandering timing. So I pulled the dist and checked the end play. .025 on a dui hei aluminum body. Ok, so I shim it down to about...
  16. SmokinBBC

    3D Printing????

    Don't know if this was posted it real?
  17. SmokinBBC

    PIA Jobs! Shifter!

    Shifter rebuild and steering valve/cylinder replacement. Shifter. Shifter was sloppy and getting it in/out of reverse was funky sometimes. Well, I wanted to rebuild it without taking the exhaust out....easy enough...try again. I took the console plate out and disconnected the linkage at the...
  18. SmokinBBC

    BB Oil Filter

    Looking to put a 2 qt oil filter on the big block. AC Delco pf932f, Wix 51794 or STP S373. Any preferences? Any reason I shouldn't go with a 2qt filter? Wix51061 1 qt
  19. SmokinBBC

    Hyd Roller Dist Gear

    Here is what a bronze gear looks like after about 2k miles on the street. The cam doesn't have the pressed on gear. Notice the wear is the same on the top and bottom and even on the gear blades. The blades are so worn "sharp" like a knife.
  20. SmokinBBC

    A bit snakey!

    Haven't seen many mice lately....or copperheads for that matter! Went under the house last fall to check on some A/C problems and saw about a 2.5 foot snake skin. Been keeping my eyes open and finally saw him peeking out from under the house a couple of days ago. Yesterday he decided to take...