1984 Turbo. Go bigger.

I am running about 1 bar boost and the CR is about the same as stock, 9:1, but with aluminum heads instead of the stock iron heads.
I went to a local 1/8 mile event yesterday. I had some bold street tires with no traction but smoke is fun too.

The two first runs were against a Buick Grand National. He had MT ET Streets and no traction problems. He had run a 1/4 mile at 12.8 sec before.

Third run was against a Pontiac.




These are the results.

1) Jonas Bylund - T 8.744s - TS 147.22 km/h - RT 0.489s - 60ft 2.218s
2) Daniel Forsberg - T 8.950s - TS 128.05 km/h - RT 0.217s - 60ft 2.202s
3) Micke Burman - T 9.091s - TS 126.05 km/h - RT 0.702s - 60ft 2.175s
4) Björn Freed - T 9.430s - TS 116.81 km/h - RT 0.480s - 60ft 2.051s
5) Pelle Sahlin - T 9.787s - TS 115.05 km/h - RT 0.458s - 60 ft 2.384s
6) Oscar Selling - T 9.849s - TS 114 km/h - RT 0.534s - 60ft 2.285s
7) Gumman - T 10.888s - TS 103.45 km/h - RT 0.447 - 60 ft 2.568s

Quite a bit slower than my best earlier this summer with the Hoosiers on (7.245s - 169.85 km/h - 60ft 1.827s)
I did not like my exhaust because it was built for headers when I had the supercharger. The turbo only uses one of the two 3" pipes. I am going to buil a new front y-pipe after the downpipe to use one 3" pipe on each side of the tranny. I started building the rear part first. It is finished from the transmission to the rear axle. I welded a tempopary 4" pipe after thr rear axle but it is going to be replaced by two 3" free flow mufflers in the near future.

Tho old exhaust:

The new:


I went to the same track yesterday with the new exhaust in place and some sticky tires.

In the first run I used too much throttle when staged so the car moved forward with locked front tires and I redlighted. The transmission computer shift at 5800 rpm but ther is a minimum time between shifts that is set to 1.5 sec. That has never been a problem before but as you hear the engine runs on the rev limiter for a moment before shifting to third. I have to reduce that time now.

The secon run was against a Chevelle SS with a stick shift and a healthy 396 bigblock.
Now I used a microswitch to reduce the MSD RPM-limit to 3000 rpm during stage. Full brake, full trottle and the microswitch. At green light I released the brake and microswitch. That was too much for this track and you hear the tires screaming almost half the track. The the rev limiter again before shifting to third.

The third run was my best and against the only car that ran similar times. A 1923 Ford with a big roots supercharger, big tires and only 860 kg, The Corvette is almost twice as heavy.
This time I used a bit less throttle while in stage.
I ran 7.094 sec, 170.40 km/h and 60ft 1.820 sec.

The fourth run was against the same rod but my start was not as good as the third run but I catched up with him at the end.

On a 1/4 mile that rod would be way behind.

All exhaust still go thru about 1 meter of 3" pipe, but it is better than it was.
With a new front y-pipe and dual 3" there should be much less restriction after the turbo.
Damn did you run over a trashcan? :D That's a big pipe there LOL

Any chance you can do a full quarter some time?
Damn did you run over a trashcan? :D That's a big pipe there LOL

Any chance you can do a full quarter some time?

It is as I said temporary :P

This is what I ran in may.
60 foot - 1.827 s
1/8 mile - 7.245 s, 169.85 km/h
1/4 mile - 10.862 s, 216.38 km/h

That was on a real track, one of the best i Sweden.

Yesterday was uphill and no track preparation att all and I did not have enough traction even with the Hoosiers.
60 foot - 1.820 s
1/8 mile - 7.094 s, 170.40 km/h

I should be able to remove 0.3 to 0.4 seconds from that 1/4 mile time.