3" backspacing in the front and 4" in the rear


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
With a 15x8 front and a 15x10 rear

How does this effect handling?

I need the 3" because the tire rubs the frame and the steering arm
increases scrub radius, more steering effort, more input from road irregularities ( larger scrub radius > larger force arm) so it will feel more nervous
So maybe I should just grind the steering arm a bit and put a 1/4" spacer on
That increased input from road irregularities mentioned by TT includes that from running over the curbs at apexes (or apices, as Peter Windsor calls them) and track-outs, and will further amplified by wide slicks.

Is your interference little enough to consider limiting the steering? Can you run spacers?

I'd suggest considering as much 5" BS in the rear with 15" diameter wheels, facilitating another inch of total rim width (9.5" w/o flares, BTW). Of course, you'll have to get a clipped main leaf... :bounce:
I had trouble getting enough tire on the front with 15x8x3.

I went to 15x10x4 and it was better... :banghead: