3 leaf clover


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
A few weeks ago, I noticed quite the crop of 3 leaf clover consuming my back lawn. I went to Lowes and bought some lawn weed and feed powder, and dispensed it per directions on my lawn. Last time I did this, you could see death within 24 hours.
One week later, the clover is gigantic.:confused:
SO, against my intuition, I bout some Bayer broadleaf killer spray, labeled to kill 1,000,000 varieties of broadleaf weeds, and sprayed my yard per directions, and waited for the results.
48 hours later, my clover responded with rapid growth.:confused:
I am convinced these products are actually clover steeroids and enhancers. They are mislabelled, and actually kill grass and create super weeds.
Anyone else notice this? Am I just another gardening moron, suckers for STP, Zemax, and liquid ring? :rolleyes:Anyone got a cure?:gurney:
Last time I added fertilizer or weed killer I killed everything. Now I just let the weeds grow, it's better than bare spots. I tried for 4 years and gave up.:gurney:
Wish I could get anything green for a lawn to grow here in that damn sand, without spend some 3 grand every 4 years for resodding.....

it's stupid already.....tempted to just paint it, :gurney:

NICE thing about clover, is it's short, chokes out all else, and you don't have to MOW.....maybe rethink your objectives there Bird....???

I noticed the same..... I already bought three bags of 'weed and feed' this year and I still have weeds.... the same stuff (Scotts) used to be excellent.... they must have changed their formula or the weeds became resistant .... :confused:
You city people,can't even kill an unwanted plant in your yard. It's so simple a Caveman can do it :tomato:
I noticed the same..... I already bought three bags of 'weed and feed' this year and I still have weeds.... the same stuff (Scotts) used to be excellent.... they must have changed their formula or the weeds became resistant .... :confused:

There was probably some circumstance where they got sued or had a run in with the environmental protection agency. So probably they reduced or eliminated thekey ingredient that made the stuff work originally.

I lived in Australia many years ago. There was a fly problem there...great big "blowies." If one was flying in the house, you just put a puff of fly spray in front of their flight path and when they went through the cloud, they were dead. Actually as soon as they hit the cloud, their flight path was just a ballistic trajectory into the ground. They hit the ground buzzing but soon died. Here in the US, if I spray a fly with a cloud of spray, it doesn't effect it, or at least not for a long time. If you want to kill the bugger soon, you have to practically drown it in spray. The Australian fly spray is obviously many times stronger. It's harder to sue people in Australia so the manufactureres there could pump up the "octane" of their spray.
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I find that REAL carb cleaner is the best bug spray, don't cost as much either....but notice recently they have reduced anything good for degreasing and so it still works for bugs....

we have something here I call carpenter bees....leave 3/8-1/2 inch perfect round holes in pine....sometimes even PT wood, but not for long, anyway....I wait till one goes in the hole, then hit with a shot of carb cleaner....buzz, buxxn dead....then it works well for hornets or wasps, those hanging nests under the soffits they instantly hit the ground....

You city people,can't even kill an unwanted plant in your yard. It's so simple a Caveman can do it :tomato:

Yes, brake fluid, engine oil, some kerosine and maybe the odd fire here and there...makes short work of them darned weeds
You city people,can't even kill an unwanted plant in your yard. It's so simple a Caveman can do it :tomato:

Yes, brake fluid, engine oil, some kerosine and maybe the odd fire here and there...makes short work of them darned weeds

Wife has learned the best week/bush/plant killer is gasoline and FIRE....

I cook the root balls of anything we want DEAD....all I do is maybe a pint of gasoline, let it soak in good, torch it off, and it gets that rootball to 100f+, it's cooked....cooked veggies don't grow....

A few weeks ago, I noticed quite the crop of 3 leaf clover consuming my back lawn. I went to Lowes and bought some lawn weed and feed powder, and dispensed it per directions on my lawn. Last time I did this, you could see death within 24 hours.
One week later, the clover is gigantic.:confused:
SO, against my intuition, I bout some Bayer broadleaf killer spray, labeled to kill 1,000,000 varieties of broadleaf weeds, and sprayed my yard per directions, and waited for the results.
48 hours later, my clover responded with rapid growth.:confused:
I am convinced these products are actually clover steeroids and enhancers. They are mislabelled, and actually kill grass and create super weeds.
Anyone else notice this? Am I just another gardening moron, suckers for STP, Zemax, and liquid ring? :rolleyes:Anyone got a cure?:gurney:

If you really want to kill it all and have a real nice mud patch, I can bring my dogs over to pee. It has worked well here for a number of years.
After that, there is the neuclear option.
I could come over and pee on your lawn! :rofl:
Here's how I deal with weeds, bad neighbors, moles (sorry TT) ,mice and exwife! Dealing with horsefly's here here.
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The biggest problem is,you guy's go to the lumber or hardware store and buy that over priced crap they sell. It is so diluted you have to apply it over and over again to get results
the Arabs have the answer...............
The biggest problem is,you guy's go to the lumber or hardware store and buy that over priced crap they sell. It is so diluted you have to apply it over and over again to get results

I looked under co-op in the yellow pages, and all I found was a stripper bar.
The nearest Tractor Supply Store is in Tulare, about 300 miles away. It might be easier to get into a White House Dinner.
Amine 2-4D will take care of them.

Okay, this Bayer spray stuff is 7.9% Amine 2-4D. It says "Do not excede twice a year.":eek: Is that BS?:crylol:
There is SOME signs of the clover wilting today.:thumbs:

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