I was 8 years old when I tore down my first engine and re assembled it. I was left home for the day alone, with the neighbor lady alledgely "keeping an eye on me, lol."
I spent the day in the garage taking apart the engine on my dads lawn mower.
I stripped it down to the block with the valves still in. Only reason they stayed in was I couldn't figure out how to take them out.
Before mom and dad got home that afternoon I had it back together and most of the mess cleaned up. I did have a few oil pots on the garage floor that later gave my actions away.
When saturday came and it was time to mow the lawn I was thinking I was going to get a beating. I had no idea if the mower would run blow up or?
Dad had me get the mower out and then he proceeded to start it, our normal procedure before my slave labor of mowing.
I imagine I had a bit of worry on my face when dad wound the rope around the pulley and gave it a yank. Second yank it started , what a relief.
After mowing the lawn and hosng the mower off to put it away Dad asked me how did it run after the rebuild,ROFLOL!
I confessed about my days work, he just smiled and said don't take anything else apart unless he was there with me.
Next project was rebuilding the flat head six in his pickup, he let me do as much of the work as I could, and he assisted with the rest.
Next was working in a Honda dealership when I was 13 putting new bikes together, rebuilding bikes, tuning, etc.
That is how gasoline and oil got into my blood.
I hold no hatred for the ricer, I am glad to see the kids do something with a car then with a video game.