63 Corvette resto

those Germans just don't mess around -:beer:.... around here, the bodyshop would only (possibly) acknowledge that the car is "in process" - which is code for "I think I sat on its hood when I had my lunch today." :bomb:

Germans? This is in the Netherlands I'm not from Germany.


now Marck is insulted .... :crutches:

but I have to say: some good old BASF paint would be a great choice.... "made in Germany" ...

well, at least the Dutch didn't loose the soccer match tonight....

I'm not insulted at all, just saying I'm not German. It's not something to be ashamed of, to b German... Dutch on the other hand! This country is being run into the ground and neck breaking speeds....

Didn't watch the soccer match...the car on the other hand was originally sold in Germany...and crashed there too LOL

So basically since I'm mostly German with a bit of Dutch, I'm pretty much a lost cause.... it all makes sense now - especially since I speak French. However, whenever I'm in France, my normal response to "you speak very good french (for an American)" is "cheese eating surrender monkey".... :bump:
OK, damnit, when you and Xander heading here for a east coast trip???

bring your squirt gun.....I got a old vette that needs love too.....

Been a long time since I posted an update... just photos....
















Not much longer now :)