68' Mako....


Jun 20, 2020
In the middle of a wheat field
Just a introduction post.
I'm working on my 1968 mako shark 2.
*572 inch bbc... 768 hp at crank.
*Muncie m23 from autogear.
* Tom's 12 bolt rear with 1480 joints.
* McLeod duel disc...
I thank you for this forum....:hi:
Sounds like an interesting build, would love to hear some more details. Welcome to the group!
I see a lot of nice pieces on that car! Nice work. What is your goal? Road race, drag, street?


Thank you pappy..
Just street. It's hard enough just keeping things going as it is.
Sticking with a stock interior.
Love the basic engine/trans configuration.
I'll be reworking the dist. advance curve and a new set of ngk 7's today.
Hoping to address the rear portion of the interior next.
Fun fun....
I'll start a new thread in the project section soon.
Thanks again.


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Hoping to address the rear portion of the interior next.

What might that be? I imagine the inside rear area might be similar to a late C3 (78-82)?

If so, I have a set of the rear "doors/cubbies" you (or anyone else here) can have for shipping> They might be in the attic, but if you're patient they're available:



Any takers let me know!

Cheers - Jim
Hoping to address the rear portion of the interior next.

If so, I have a set of the rear "doors/cubbies" you (or anyone else here) can have for shipping> They might be in the attic, but if you're patient they're available:

Any takers let me know!

Cheers - Jim

Wow, thank you very much for your offer!
Dang, I just did that portion.
Hopefully someone else will take you up on those!
Thanks again.
From the photo, it looks like the tilt front is spring assist. Nice touch. Are those modified hood hinges?
Thanks for the replies.
I believe the different Mako shark kits had various types of front clip hinges.
This one may be the 1955 Chevy hinges?
At this time I sort of dig that the whole front is attached with four bolts....
We just got it to open and close properly yesterday.
Anyway, here is a picture;



Thanks again.........Troll
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Looks like my intro post is turning into a minor "projects" thread.
Anyway, we just installed a set of factory c3 seats.
Now the door panel will clear the seats.
Need to continue with upholstering the top rear section of the interior soon.
I'll try to start a "project" post.....:toothbrush:
Thank you...........Troll