A bit snakey!


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Oak Ridge, NC
Haven't seen many mice lately....or copperheads for that matter!

Went under the house last fall to check on some A/C problems and saw about a 2.5 foot snake skin. Been keeping my eyes open and finally saw him peeking out from under the house a couple of days ago.

Yesterday he decided to take a slither. This black snake is about 3 feet long and will get heavier. He slithered up a plum tree. I was trying to get a good pic so my son touched his tail...he didn't like that and turned and looked me strait in the lens........


Years ago a friend of mine in maryland found a diamond back skin in the crawl space under his house. glad i don't see them around here.
That's one beautiful Blacksnake, glad you didn't just bash him out of ignorance.

But a Diamondback? I wonder....

Herpetologist Steve
Snakes do good work. Glad to see you are teaching the boy respect for the wild. You know, if you posted this over in CFOT there would be a couple dozen yahoos telling you to bash it's head with a shovel.
Hey, Steve, you'd love to see my house! ;)
Thinkin' about it a bit more I do believe there is an Eastern Diamondback....I never payed much attention to that coast.

CD, are you a snake lover?
I have a few. We really like the reptiles though. Actually not much we don't like. In addition to all the other furry and feathery roommates, we have 1 king snake, 2 balls, 3 bearded dragons, 1 red iguana and a Russian box turtle. So we have a few pets.
WOW..... I hope I'm wrong, but it looks like a Black Mamba!

Yeah, you're wrong. He's about 8000 miles out of black mamba territory.

Definitely wrong! The black snake here in NC is a non-poisinous snake. They feed mainly on mice, toads and sometimes other snakes(like copperheads). The larger ones(and I have seen them very large and fat) will also feed on larger prey like rats.
Black snakes are a good snake to keep around. And they can get BIG. Best mouse catcher you can have on your property.
That's a beautiful Black Snake!
We have a nest of Garter snakes under our front step. About 3 days ago I was able to pull a shed snake skin out of their hole that was a little over 2 ft. long.
This guy likes to sun himself on top of a low bush just outside our front door.

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