The Artist formerly known as Turbo84
Just curious about an item I'm not totally understanding. I had the engine all warmed up and was adjusting the idle mixture/bleed? screws trying to smooth out the idle. Got them set as good as it was gonna get when I noticed the vacuum line (for the wiper cover/headlights, etc) wasn't locked on as good as it should be. I tugged on it and it slipped off, and of course the RPM jumped up noticeably. Nothing new here. But I'm trying to figure out the physics here. Given that opening the hose would lean out the intake manifold mixture, why did the engine speed go UP? I would assume that when you adjust the mixture screws that you are getting the mixture close to what the engine wants at that RPM. Even when the screws are at the point of maximum idle speed, is it still running that pig rich that the open hose gets you back closer to stochiometric? Or, is it that a lot of air, and perhaps a lean ratio of 17:1, makes more idle power than a smaller amount of air and a ratio close to 14:1?
Just curious what the engine and A/F ratio is doing before and after the hose uncoupling. (My LM-1 is unavailable as it's currently hooked up to the other car.) I understand when the RPM goes up that the centrifigal advance goes up, compounding the issue, but it's the chemistry that's got me curious.
Just curious what the engine and A/F ratio is doing before and after the hose uncoupling. (My LM-1 is unavailable as it's currently hooked up to the other car.) I understand when the RPM goes up that the centrifigal advance goes up, compounding the issue, but it's the chemistry that's got me curious.