A little US history

I seen this before, and commented that an old buddy of mine's Father owned a piece of property in No. Va. and so it had a stone wall on it, house was very old and trees were different, but Joe spotted some old CW pix.....guys standing/leaning on this stone wall......

and he thought he recognized that wall....and sure enough, he finally placed the shot.....his father's property.....course Joe been all over it for quite some time, but the recognition of the stone patterns??? odd to say the least.....I went out to the property with him and the pix, exclaiming BS all the way....

he was right, the patterns matched, what are the ODDS??? 50 billion to one????:D
I saw a truck back into a section of a stone wall near Leesburg one day, you can't repair one it has to. Be taken down and restacked to do it right.