...Instead they would prefer we buy oil from people who hate us, and want nothing more than to see our economy fall.....somewhere in a cave or maybe even a penthouse there is a very Saudi Arabian tall man with a scraggly beard laughing his ass off on a daily basis at the stupid Americans...his name Osama Bin Laden.....
Good call Howard. The funny thing is, this shit hole I call a temporary home, is the biggest oil supplier in the world. You'd think with the amount of money coming in, this place would be like Utopia but it's actually the world's largest rubbish dump as the royal family take most of the money.
When the old king popped his clogs, there were lots of murmurings of dissent amongst the locals about having had enough of the royal family stealing the country's wealth. As soon as the new king took over, he immediately
lowered the price of fuel by a third and the locals all thought he was great, so no more thoughts about getting rid of the royals.
Apart from the United Arab Emirates, all the countries out here rely on oil revinue. The UAE have invested heavily in tourism, rugby, cricket, motor racing etc as (I'm assuming) they realise that one day, there'll be no money in oil - either it'll physically run out or the big auto giants in Detroit will finally produce an engine that doesn't need gas or gets 500mpg. When that day comes, the Middle East will be screwed - apart from the UAE.
I think the Western world needs to relocate the various species of wildlife and drill like crazy in our own back yards. I know Australia has fantastic oil and gas reserves, be we too are held to ransom by the touchy feely tree huggers and then the rag head arseholes.
Most of these countries produce bugger all except oil. Maybe it's time to all get together and jack the price of food and essentials through the roof. Tie beef and rice prices to the price of oil, see how they like it.
K, off my box now. Did I mention what the price of fuel was out here