A Mod Hillclimb Special.


Mar 23, 2008
Check this, 550lb without driver,, 300hp. Used in Hillclimbs. One way ticket to Hell.....

I dunno about HILL climbing, but as a dune buggy or a go cart, it looks like a SUPER blast.....:cool::lol::lol:

obviously as a dune buggy, need change tires, maybe gearing too....

I dunno about HILL climbing, but as a dune buggy or a go cart, it looks like a SUPER blast.....:cool::lol::lol:

obviously as a dune buggy, need change tires, maybe gearing too....


And suspension unless you intend to use it to dig holes. :nuts:
Found it on Race For sale, 20K. you might search for it. Its been a number of months, I enjoyed the craftsmanship of the Mod. So I right clicked, saved.. GSXR engine. most everything else custom machined for the Mod. If you could find a wrecked FF or FA, FC, you could do the same thing. Shorten the wheel base. Would be heavier, but would be much safer. Cheaper too...plus you could buy replacement parts off the self...

Still dont think it would run with George Bowland's hillclimb Mod. 1,000cc two stroke, twin snow mobile engine. His son designed it and built it. He worked as a engineer for one of the Indy Teams. Who ever Buddy Rice drove for. When they won the Indy 500 a number of years ago. Now he is with Gibbs here in NC. When you watch the video, everytime the tach is in the 3 o clock position. He is around 90mph. He averaged over 80 mph up the hill... BTY, George is 67 years young.





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I'de take it for a whirl. Can't be any more dangerous than the hurricane 1000 quad I rode. You only live once so go out in a blaze of glory!