A very good speech......

the last best hope for our country is to pray the people vote the right way and in large enough numbers that the voter fraud on the left won't be able to sway the election. ohio went for obozo by less than 500 voter fraud votes, philidelphia voted 100% democrat , really, has that ever happened except in a banana republic? and holder didn't prosecute the black panthers for standing at a polling place with clubs? oh sure this time it will work.:club:
ACORN under any name in the book, I am convinced riggs the scanners in about one out of four machines, so that all ballots it counts come up D.....

and if anyone asks, they pick one of the legit machines to turn over for inspection.....

I watched the whole thing and as you can imagine my ears perk up whenever trans issues are brought up, but I have to say I agreed with absolutely everything he said.
How much LSD are you guys taking per day?

You must really love your government koolaid. I didn't have time to listen to the whole thing, but what I heard was good. Government is bad, democrat or republican.