After Saturday


Addict, Cruise-In Bird-Run 1 Veteran
Mar 24, 2008
Gladstone, Missouri
And a GREAT lunch in Daytona, I needed some entertainment on Sunday. found that Don Garlits' Museum is just down the road. Took some pictures of a few of the displays. Some of you will recognize some of the goodies..

How about a 1923 Model T with a Body Kit sold by Sears:

Anyone recognize this? Look very close!
It's a 1955 Chevy 265 small block- note the lack of oil filter pad!
Flatheads anyone?
Lincoln-Zephyr V-12 Looks just like a Flathead Ford V-8 with some extra cylinders
This engine is mounted on a dyno in the Smokey Yunick display. Hard to get a good picture of the intake- some rocket scientist put a flippin' sign on top of it.
Here are a couple that I know Bird will remember, and probably many others
And this one- Imagine jumping on the gas with this thing- kinda like that '55 that TT posted- except I bet this one is lighter!
Down the road?? you mean in Gainsville??? I heard of it, but never been....

Ocala- It was about 70 miles from Lake City- right down I-75. well worth the drive. I'll look for the one over towards Tallahasse next weekend..
How about a 1923 Model T with a Body Kit sold by Sears:

Actually, the sign is wrong. Black/brass acetylene headlights and brass radiator would date the chasis at 1914. (If anyone gives a Rat's.........):lol:
I was at Garlits' museum last month. Lots of neat stuff to see. It was almost surreal being in the same room with all those cars (railjobs, Funnies, and ProStock) that I used to only see in Hot Rod magazines while I was a teenager in the seventies back in Alaska.
I was at Garlits' museum last month. Lots of neat stuff to see. It was almost surreal being in the same room with all those cars (railjobs, Funnies, and ProStock) that I used to only see in Hot Rod magazines while I was a teenager in the seventies back in Alaska.

I can really identify with that- the only difference is that I actually got to SEE some of those cars run at places like KCIR (Kansas City International Raceway) and out in Manhattan, Kansas.
I love museums, I spent days uncounted in the local ones as a kid. I've probably toured a thousand or more, from Fraser, Colorado and Atlanta, Nebraska to the Smithsonian and the Louvre. But the Don Garlits Museum of Drag Racing in Ocala, Florida ranks among my top three in the world.

(In fact! I have on my souvenier SwampRat cap right now! It's so faded & dirty you can hardly tell what it says on it.)
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If you look closely you can see this one has Lucas timed injection, there's an electric high pressure (100psi) fuel pump mounted on the pass side head (for startup) and a belt driven one just below it, you can also make out the poppets on inboard of the intake with the white semi translucent high pressure fuel lines, sadly you can't see the most interesting part which is the lucas timer and angle drive distributor setup
And a GREAT lunch in Daytona, I needed some entertainment on Sunday. found that Don Garlits' Museum is just down the road. Took some pictures of a few of the displays. Some of you will recognize some of the goodies..

How about a 1923 Model T with a Body Kit sold by Sears:
Ha, I thought that was a Mini Moke :twitch:
And a GREAT lunch in Daytona, I needed some entertainment on Sunday. found that Don Garlits' Museum is just down the road. Took some pictures of a few of the displays. Some of you will recognize some of the goodies..

How about a 1923 Model T with a Body Kit sold by Sears:

Anyone recognize this? Look very close!
It's a 1955 Chevy 265 small block- note the lack of oil filter pad!
Flatheads anyone?
Lincoln-Zephyr V-12 Looks just like a Flathead Ford V-8 with some extra cylinders
This engine is mounted on a dyno in the Smokey Yunick display. Hard to get a good picture of the intake- some rocket scientist put a flippin' sign on top of it.
Here are a couple that I know Bird will remember, and probably many others
And this one- Imagine jumping on the gas with this thing- kinda like that '55 that TT posted- except I bet this one is lighter!

I remember this.:nuts::bump:

Anyone that ever got the chance to see Jungle Jim could NEVER forget Jungle PAM!! Unless you're not a human male with normal characteristics. :beer: