Age 66, a buddy buying a home.....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
You are right that the county officials have been very helpful;####has gotten to know most of them over the years as a Realtor, and he is well known to the head of the county septic group. He is waiting for a call from that fellow regarding the septic problems at the house.

My only real incentive to buy the house (any house) and leave the apartment (31 years) is to have enough land to build a really large well-equipped garage with several lifts. This place has a little over 12,000 square feet, plus an existing garage that is 21'x22'. I would install a couple of 4-post lifts and make the current garage into a 4-car unit, then build another garage for working on cars. The other garage would be steel construction, well insulated, with a very good HVAC system, and have at least two bays -- maybe three -- laid out as yours was in Aspen Hill.

So this man I known since '66, and we are now age 66, he insists on buying this total wreck of a house....for get THIS 250 grand looks like his's a bank owned house not worth a flip....he has this dream, but the house and property are for shit, termites, rotten out finished basement, and tons of other issues, from well/septic to easements for new drain fields to whatEVER....told him to RUN forest RUN....but to no avail....hopefully the bank refuses his offer and sets in stone on their 330k asking.....

the realtor is another friend, but I would not trust him on this....too many cross purposes.....he wants to pull me up there to help in the reconstruction....I really want NO part of's a disaster in the making....


my buddy has the money, and the retirement income, but really he needs something for 1/2 that amount, or less....

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I see your dilemma Gene. Maybe you can put together an "estimate" for him to outline the issues and the costs involved. Hopefully it will help him see reality.

I just can't stand the thought of him jumping off a cliff, but he loves the 'mountains' and so many mutual friends up that way, and honestly I would not have left that area, but for arthritis and those fucking wet cold winters....
8 months of snow/freezing rain threat per year.....I seen it snow late as MAY 6th.....eff THAT......Sept snows I remember from childhood yet....EFF THAT!!!

just wish he would give it up and he dunno from a inner burb apartment to just how bitter that shit IS in the further out burbs.....

he never married, close a couple of times, but no go....

nervous times, and sad for him, as I don't think that area is a go for him....

he came down here for a week a couple years ago....but he loves mountains and the racing with the group at Summit Point in W. Va......goes back a LONG time.....
