All these elected Washington clowns


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
Better get off their ASSES and settle this debt ceiling BS quickly.:evil:
Better get off their ASSES and settle this debt ceiling BS quickly.:evil:

or what?

We'll won't pay the 0.01 percent interest on the bonds? Is that going to cause Rome to fall?

I agree with you, it's all a bunch of theatrics ......

but if anyone really wants to solve the money issue,

I think we need to repudiate the debt....issue new currency backed by the gold in the bank vaults....ALL of it, declared owned by the USA treasury....

wipe the computers clean, and start over.....

I not spell it ALL out, but the large banking families take a huge hit, basically it's the END of them....

I didn't notice the last time DC shut down. Doubt I will this time either. In fact, I'm betting the rest of the country/world would be better off if they would turn off the lights and lock the doors for 6 months out of the year.
I didn't notice the last time DC shut down. Doubt I will this time either. In fact, I'm betting the rest of the country/world would be better off if they would turn off the lights and lock the doors for 10 months out of the year.

There, fixed it 4U.....and I"m from that town, I know....

In fact, I just posted on another forum, in a similar copy paste....

Same here.

In certain PR&C sections I'm labeled a Liberal, and in others a Conservative. Mainly because of the extreme left- or right-of-center of the bulk of the participants.

In reality, I'm a centrist, so my "contemporaries", as it were, don't really have a defined set of stances on issues.

I guess the only way for me to not agree with them is to be extreme on a position. In that case, it would be the following:
Guns - No restrictions. Period.
Drugs - No restrictions. Period.
Sex - No restrictions over the age of 15. Period.
Marriage - No restrictions. Period.

To all of the above, by another post that I agree with....

Now my positions....

Cut school budgets by 50% OR MORE.....eliminate DO Ed......

Cut the EPA back to zero....repeal that legislation entirely....
remove the basis for any law some 'judge' rendered a stupid judgment on....thereby overturning that judge....

Eliminate Medi ANYTHING from the budget, EXCEPT for care of wounded warriors......

cut ALL .gov retirement programs by 50% or more.....that has to be done on a category by category basis...far to long a list for here....BUT the goal is 50% at the bottom line....

Remove our ground troops from ALL OVER THE WORLD, ASAP, as in yesterday ain't soon enough.....

maybe a Navy base for support in Diego Garcia out there in neverland.....

When we got out guys outta there, we can NOW conduct foreign policy the way it should be conducted.....AMERICAN FIRST and screw the rest of how fast they all come running to our side...

eliminate ALL foreign aid, no matter what....even though it will hurt American unemployment numbers.....

Stop ALL welfare, especially for ones on the dole longer than 4 months...

NO AFDC, NO section 8 close down HUD.....NO food stamps....period....

people who have to actually WORK to eat will get a job, the illegals will be underbid and go home....People have to work to get food/shelter/ no time to lay around doing drugs.....

eliminate all educational funding for students....

eliminate all funding to colleges.....

by by to art, englush, sociology, psych, philosophy, etc depts....they teach nothing but bullshit anyway....the ONLY departments in colleges to be HARD SCIENCE, engineering, finance, econ, business, and Law......
.MIL colleges are a obvious exception
Law to be a 2 year 'associates' degree, quit bullshitting on that one....

Lawyers can not hold public office of ANY KIND.....hold new elections and then reappoint all the judges through the typical process....
it's a conflict of interest for lawyers in public office....even as judges...and especially in the Exec branch...they are considered occifers of the courts....

I"m sure there are more thought should someone prompt me.....

but this would very definitely cut the budget a easy 50% across the boards....
Yea, just another manufactured "crisis".
Of course there is a huge problem here, but why is everything a emergency?
Yea, just another manufactured "crisis".
Of course there is a huge problem here, but why is everything a emergency?

For the same damn reason it takes a simple trial TWO YEARS to take place, and then 6 months of bullshit before the verdict is in....

LAWYERS, are the reason....

Missed the mark on a couple of them Gene

1. Reinstate the death penalty- kill someone, if it's proved, you're dead too. In public.

2. Get caught using ANY drugs that are currently on the list as illegal, automatic 5 years hard labor the first time and dead the second. And no country club prison- you're out fixing roads, digging ditches, and planting crops so you can eat.

3. No more tenure in the school systems. If you can't teach the subject, bye-bye. If you espouse your liberal views to your students, bye-bye. Stick to the subject matter.
Missed the mark on a couple of them Gene

1. Reinstate the death penalty- kill someone, if it's proved, you're dead too. In public.

2. Get caught using ANY drugs that are currently on the list as illegal, automatic 5 years hard labor the first time and dead the second. And no country club prison- you're out fixing roads, digging ditches, and planting crops so you can eat.

3. No more tenure in the school systems. If you can't teach the subject, bye-bye. If you espouse your liberal views to your students, bye-bye. Stick to the subject matter.

ONE and THREE are cool, I can go that, but on the drug shit, let the junkies kill themselves on cheep drugs.....legalize it....their friggin problem....

at least they not out raping grannies for their pocketbooks/whatEVER....

Missed the mark on a couple of them Gene

1. Reinstate the death penalty- kill someone, if it's proved, you're dead too. In public.

2. Get caught using ANY drugs that are currently on the list as illegal, automatic 5 years hard labor the first time and dead the second. And no country club prison- you're out fixing roads, digging ditches, and planting crops so you can eat.

3. No more tenure in the school systems. If you can't teach the subject, bye-bye. If you espouse your liberal views to your students, bye-bye. Stick to the subject matter.

ONE and THREE are cool, I can go that, but on the drug shit, let the junkies kill themselves on cheep drugs.....legalize it....their friggin problem....

at least they not out raping grannies for their pocketbooks/whatEVER....


Thinking about that, I agree -- revise #2.

get caught SELLING-
We can't raise the debt limit. We can't not raise the debt limit. Let's see, should I cut off my left nut or my right one? Seeing as how it is such a painful idea I'll decide to not decide. Politically correct to a fault.

How did the old double talk go?

I come before you to stand behind you to tell you all about something that I know entirely nothing about. I see said the blind man as the cripple jumped up and ran.....:lol:
Missed the mark on a couple of them Gene

1. Reinstate the death penalty- kill someone, if it's proved, you're dead too. In public.

2. Get caught using ANY drugs that are currently on the list as illegal, automatic 5 years hard labor the first time and dead the second. And no country club prison- you're out fixing roads, digging ditches, and planting crops so you can eat.

3. No more tenure in the school systems. If you can't teach the subject, bye-bye. If you espouse your liberal views to your students, bye-bye. Stick to the subject matter.

ONE and THREE are cool, I can go that, but on the drug shit, let the junkies kill themselves on cheep drugs.....legalize it....their friggin problem....

at least they not out raping grannies for their pocketbooks/whatEVER....


Thinking about that, I agree -- revise #2.

get caught SELLING-

Tim I dunno we ever discussed this topic or not, but I feel if the welfare checks were cut off, the illegal shituation would cure itself, as the legal citizens would have to get off their fatt lazy asses and find a JOB in order to eat....this shit of section 8 housing and 500 bux/month/child has to stop, they show up with Food stamp cards, and buy two piles of groceries, one the legal shit, the other is the smokes and booze....then load the stuff into some car better than I drive....on OUR tax dime.....

while they lay around all day, smoking and drinking, and having a entire lifetime of 'retirement'.....shooting dope/'s the freeking WELFARE that enables the bad behavior patterns....

IF welfare was dumped, drugs would be less popular, why? money EARNED now has to buy FOOD, and HOUSING.....gotta get UP in the morning to push 40/week, it's either THAT or DIE.....and quite honestly I would drive the dumpster through the streets and cry 'Bring out your DEAD!!' like the plague of ~100 years ago....

This debt limit thing is a big sham all the DC addicts are trying to sell us. They're just trying to convince us they have to keep spending our money. These bozos are worse than a teen-aged girl with daddy's credit card. They spend money like crack addicts. They'll quit spending after this next trillion dollars, promise.
I've been saying for thirty years "NEVER EVER VOTE FOR AN INCUMBENT!!!!!!!!"

Is that so hard to comprehend? apparently so.

An incumbent works for NOTHING more than his reelection. Period. Full Stop.

Let these criminal bastards know up front that they won't get reelected and maybe they can be Americans again.

When you've got lifetime scumbags immuning themselves from term limits and voting their own raises what chance does the Republic have?

NEVER EVER vote for an incumbent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was a last chapter of a Tom Clancy book I so admired, sadly the MooSlimes understood it as well leading to 9/11......
I've been saying for thirty years "NEVER EVER VOTE FOR AN INCUMBENT!!!!!!!!"

Is that so hard to comprehend? apparently so.

An incumbent works for NOTHING more than his reelection. Period. Full Stop.

Let these criminal bastards know up front that they won't get reelected and maybe they can be Americans again.

When you've got lifetime scumbags immuning themselves from term limits and voting their own raises what chance does the Republic have?

NEVER EVER vote for an incumbent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been saying the same thing for years. Let's get a higher turnover in all the rank and file of politics. President down to the Sherrifs.

I've been saying for thirty years "NEVER EVER VOTE FOR AN INCUMBENT!!!!!!!!"

Is that so hard to comprehend? apparently so.

An incumbent works for NOTHING more than his reelection. Period. Full Stop.

Let these criminal bastards know up front that they won't get reelected and maybe they can be Americans again.

When you've got lifetime scumbags immuning themselves from term limits and voting their own raises what chance does the Republic have?

NEVER EVER vote for an incumbent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been saying the same thing for years. Let's get a higher turnover in all the rank and file of politics. President down to the Sherrifs.

It's supposed to be public service, not a job -- and especially not a career! Can you imagine if everyone took 6 months to a year (or more) looking for a new job while in their current one? No wonder things don't get done :suspicious:


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