Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Wow! When I was a kid, it was all I could do to keep from crashing.
Damn he's got talent
Damn he's got talent
BUT the question IS, can he make MONEY???
Damn he's got talent
BUT the question IS, can he make MONEY???
He could do some Cirque du Soleil act in Vegas with that, and make big$$ till he kills himself.
Damn he's got talent
BUT the question IS, can he make MONEY???
He could do some Cirque du Soleil act in Vegas with that, and make big$$ till he kills himself.
Damn he's got talent
BUT the question IS, can he make MONEY???
He could do some Cirque du Soleil act in Vegas with that, and make big$$ till he kills himself.
Here's another guy with Brass Balls