Another life is precious thread: good vibes request.


Millionaire Playboy
Mar 27, 2008
In transition
Hey guys, on top of the other tragic thread, I have another point for you. One of our members, not a frequent guy though, is going in for surgery today. He hasn't requested this or posted on his own so I will keep his info private. But this is a guy I met "over there" when I was diagnosed with cancer a couple years ago. He went through pretty similar circumstances about four years ago and has been fighting battles ever since. Suffice it to say, it has been a long, long road for him. Today he goes in for another surgery, and this one is major. I don't want to give too much away without his permission, but this will change his life even more than the previous cancer treatments and surgeries have. That and he's getting frustrated that they just don't seem to be getting the upper hand on this thing. I can tell you from my meager experience with cancer that it changes your life for ever, even when they catch it early and get a handle on it. When they constantly chase it, it just wears you down until you question if the fight is really worth it.
So if you pray, please have him in your prayers, God will know who you're talking about. If you're like me, good vibes will do. And remember, life is precious.
I am pleased to report that I spoke with anonymous member's wife last night and he did make it through the surgery and is doing well. I haven't actually spoken to him yet as this surgery is in the throat area so I imagine he won't be up to talking much for the next week or two. But I do appreciate your thoughts and wishes as, I'm sure, he would too.

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