Anyone still doing 35MM film photography


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2008
Just wondering, any of you guys doing film these days?
I know from the dim past, that 35 when blown up to say 18x24" was all grainey looking....

wife took some shots of San Antonio River Walk about a year ago, and got one blown up to 36x28" and not a BIT of grain in that pix....none, more texture to the printing material than the FAR....

now the funny part...a 200 bux camera....with some extra storage disk/chip to over 400 pix, maybe more.....go figger....

Say good buy to Rochester, and the silver markets....

I still take film pix. Digital pictures have improved but, as late as 5 years ago, you could spot them a mile away for print work.

I have a modern Nikon and an old Olympus manual w/Zuiko lenses.
I still take film pix. Digital pictures have improved but, as late as 5 years ago, you could spot them a mile away for print work.

I have a modern Nikon and an old Olympus manual w/Zuiko lenses.

DO you want the Canon? I really don't expect it to sell.

PM me an address, and it's yours.
If BBShark or no one else speaks up for it, I'd love to have it, and gladly reimburse you for shipping.


I had an AT-1 for a number of years that I took everywhere (fishing, skiing, etc.), but alas, the pocket on my float tube leaked once and that body was history. Unfortunately, that was after they stopped making them. Couldn't score any NOS, so my Vivitar 28mm wide angle and 75-205 zoom lenses have sat idle for a few years.

Kinda sad isn't it?

I recently sold off my 35mm SLR stuff I'd had for 30 years- 3 Nikon F models (not F1 or F2 or etc, but original early 60s "F" models). I had two motor winders, about 8 or 9 Nikor lenses, and a lot of other accessories. Those old F models were indestructable. The only 'automatic' feature they had was the light meter. I used to be a professional motorcycle photographer and had one saddlebag outfitted for my cameras. They traveled many thousands of miles on an old Harley. A couple times I tried to 'modernize' using newer cameras but they fell apart quickly. The old Fs just kept working, even after getting dropped in dirt, rain (& beer) soaked, even after my saddlebag fell off the bike at least 2 or 3 times while going down the road. With a motorwinder & telephoto lens, those Fs weighed 2.2 pounds each and I used to wear two of them around my neck. (I gained respect for what Dolly Parton goes through every day!)

All in all, between them & a couple Pentaxes & other stuff, I had easily a couple thousand bucks worth if it had been in cherry condition. But my stuff at this point was all old & used and it was not worth it to me to spend the time & effort to clean and R&R it all.
So I sold it all for.....$250. That was the best offer I got.

It was sad, but I guess that's the way it goes.

Now all I got is a city-issue cell phone camera.....Oh well, it's pretty cool in its own right.
I have a 35mm SLR (Canon Rebel Ti), and among a few others I also have this Sigma lens (70-300). I use my lenses with a digital SLR body (Rebel XT), most of these Canon/Sigma lenses are interchangeable between 35mm and digital.
The Elan is in fact one of the better SLRs, a great camera for somebody who still uses 35mm.
Film is better than digital, no doubt .... however.... only if you have real camera people develop the film. I get a good laugh out of those guys who use a expensive SLR and then have the film developed for $4.99 at Walgreens/CVS or WalMart
my 35 mm stuff is all in moth balls.....the digital stuff is so easy to use and it has instant gratification. the cannon i have looks like the 35 SLR eos rebel and we have two different lenses so i don't see us going back to the 35mm any time soon.
It was sad, but I guess that's the way it goes.

Now all I got is a city-issue cell phone camera.....Oh well, it's pretty cool in its own right.

So YOU are the one taking them crotch shots of gals in public???

I feel the same way over my home stereo setup, but no one wants it...toooooo HUGE....

they rather listen to a table radio....


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