Bonding strip adhesive?


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
What do you recommend for bonding strip adhesive? A buddy of mine unfortunately cracked up his '79 and took a big chunk out of the fender from the nose to about mid way through the wheel well, it split right along the bonding strip. He was able to recover the chunk he tore out so I thought we could graft it back in. I am no expert so your advice is much appreciated.
Duramix SMC adhesive is what many recommend. I have personally not used it and I have not bought anything from this source:

Just to show what the product looks like. You need a expensive dual cartridge gun or squeeze the stuff from the cartridge using two pieces of broomstick... can be done... if it's a one time use I wouldn't want to spend $80 on the gun....

I have used this stuff to glue my flares onto the quarter panels, 3 years and they're still in place, seems to be good stuff...

For this product you do not need any special guns, just mix it with hardener like Bondo... it comes with blue hardener and the fumes are insane.... do not use it inside without ventilation...

I bought this Evercoat adhesive on Ebay, $40 shipped.... it can be used as filler and you can use it with fiberglass mat also.
Here's a pic of the damage.....

It probably looks worse than it is. Grind the inside of the fender clean with 60 grit and glue a bonding strip (I'd go like 3-4" wide, 1.5 to 2 inches into each piece)... that will give you a 2" wide surface to glue the broken piece to.
Grind the broken piece to fit the new bonding strip, make sure the surfaces are clean and the outside is as close to flush as possible... when I prep for glue I use 40 or 60 grit, as rough as possible....let it sit low "dry" to compensate for the thickness of the adhesive that you're going to add....

Drill holes for self tapping screws to attach the bonding strip to the fender as well as the broken piece to the new bonding strip. Drill/grind the holes after you removed the screws and fill with adhesive, then start the "normal" bodywork.

There are VM members who do this for a living, I don't.....I just do bodywork/paint because I'm cheap :D:D others might have other/better methods, wait for the pros to join the discussion
I use Evercoat 994 for panel adhesive. I use 1.5 or 2 inch masking tape strips to hold the panel while the adhesive kicks (about 15 mins.) I only use screws as a last resort, on difficult areas. (Just adds more filling work.)
To save everyone here a Butt Load of typing I highly recommend you
go to and buy their fiberglass repair manual for
your particular vette. Not only will it answer your questions
regarding the repair you wish to reform but it will also help you with
problems you may need to fix in the future. After reading the book...
them come back here and we'll help you fine tune any problems
you might incur outside of the books explanations.
